Break Week Mihawk ran away from Shanks : Like Green Bull of the White blade? Really?

Mihawk is Below admirals and above Yc1s
Lmaoo Lucci performed better against Luffy than an Admiral did and Zoro is about to neg diff Lucci while we know Luffy needs extreme diff to draw against Lucci and turn into an old man.

How is Luffy above Zoro tell me?
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we allready seen garp negging shyriu, dont get me started on what kuzan would be doing with that fodder
Garp was the one neg diffed lol

In Garp vs Aokiji and Shiryu fight Shiryu played Role of Akainu and Aokiji played role of Blackbeard form Whitebaerd vs Akainu and Blackbeard

Aokiji literally picked scraps while Shiryu Stab killed Aokiji


Cope Doctor
Lmaoo Lucci performed better against Luffy than an Admiral did and Zoro is about to neg diff Lucci while we know Luffy needs extreme diff to draw against Lucci and turn into an old man.

How is Luffy above Zoro tell me?
damn , I forgot you are the most delusional zoro fan in the forum. when Zoro will beat sanji than we will talk
Mihawk is not weaker than zoro, and Zoro is below admirals too. this arc proves it, Luffy negged Lucci who is having high diff battle against zoro
Neglected? Lol. Goofy used 4 attacks and the strongest mode g5 + nominal attacks, and did not turn off Oucci and fell exhausted after the fight. Zoro didn't even put on a boyuandana against the awakened Lucci without using a single named attack.
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we allready seen garp negging shyriu, dont get me started on what kuzan would be doing with that fodder
Shiryu fatally wounded Garp. Garp did a little damage to the laughing Shiryu. Read the original manga.


Cope Doctor
Neglected? Lol. Goofy used 4 attacks and the strongest mode g5 + nominal attacks, and did not turn off Oucci and fell exhausted after the fight. Zoro didn't even put on a boyuandana against the awakened Lucci without using a single named attack.
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Shiryu fatally wounded Garp. Garp did a little damage to the laughing Shiryu. Read the original manga.
Lets call him cheap shotter like he is . Zoros style
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Damn I forgot you are the most delusional Zoro hater on this forum.
When Luffy is finally strong enough to beat Lucci who Zoro will soon neg diff, we can talk
Liffy negged Lucci allready. Hes is like 50% of strenght he was when he was negged by Luffy.
Liffy negged Lucci allready. Hes is like 50% of strenght he was when he was negged by Luffy.
How was Lucci negged
-Luffy used Advanced CoC
-His Haki clashed Equally with Lucci
-He used his strongest mode that drains all his energy and he can only use it for 1 minute
-He used 3 of his strongest named attacks
-Lucci was still up in a second
-Luffy was turned old man

Lucci literally won that fight
Or at best it was a draw extreme diff either way
Luffy took way more damage in that fight and turned into an Old Man

Zoro will neg diff him

Sanji, even EoS Sanji is weaker than Lucci who is Admiral level+ character as Kizaru got one shot, Lucci wasn't put dwn even from 3 attacks
Bitchhawk retreated from Shanks twice, escaped his home from a fleet led by a vice admiral
And now muh lone wolf needs to from an alliance to survive the NW, and even then is still afraid of fighting the Yonko

Truth hurts
I had some dumbass here try to tell me Mihawk ran away from Shanks too like Green bull did, how does that make Green Bull look bad.

Like if it is remotely the same thing
Like what an actual fuck

Mihawk came to Saint Red Snitch Garling's Son and Gorosei Bitch Shanks' own camp and called him a one armed little shit when Shanks was trying to fight him

And Shanks is a one armed Has Been
New One Piece live action which is STRICTLY SUPERVISED by Oda suggests that Shanks is half as strong as he was in his prime with two arms and Mihawk was fighting Shanks when he had two arms and shaking the grand line

And Mihawk is right now waiting for someone stronger than Shanks

So why would he fight a one armed has been who stands no chance against him?

How is that remotely comparable to Brocolli of the White Blade scream like a little bitch from getting Wifi Diffed a kilometer away?
Shanks needed two arm and all his CoC to even stand a chance against Mihawk

And you telling me Shanks is doing this to Mihawk?

Come on now
Mihawk = 2 Shanks >> 1 Shanks >>>>> Green Bull of the White Blade
in the live show is stated that Mihawk is the strongest swordman (in all generation)
Mihawk>Roger base on live show
Mihawk> owned litle bitch Garp in the live show
Mihawk is goated :pepehawk::pepehawk:
Doesnt matter becouse he can mid diff zoros EOS apponent shyriu
uhm we are talking abt the difference between admiral and commanders
and since u said admirals are way superior , then why is an admiral actually a commander
shouldnt he get a new position which distinguishes him from " mere " commanders


Cope Doctor
uhm we are talking abt the difference between admiral and commanders
and since u said admirals are way superior , then why is an admiral actually a commander
shouldnt he get a new position which distinguishes him from " mere " commanders
Yeah he is hes own guy