Future Events Mihawks next move

Joins Blackbeard maybe just like Aokji, reason being he knows for sure SHs VS BBP will happen and if Mihawk isnt with enemy Zoro might never come at him with killing intent and not give it his all (Zoro already bowed down to Mihawk and obviously respects him as teacher) ..... and although unlikely that way we might actually see a Mihawk VS Shanks if BBP VS RHP happens :pepelit: .....oh now that I think about, I have already given up on seeing Battles other than Luffy's, Skip Skip and Skip :pepeke:


Law Nerd
Mihawk joining Shanks... I wonder what people are reading when they have such ideas... :sanmoji:
I don't see where is that hinted or how it can be even possible to think about.

Mihawk didn't even want to fight Shanks let alone join him on any quest.

Mihawk is a clear lone wolf and I hope Goda will soon provide us notions about his past.