Character Discussion Missed opportunities for characters meetings and interactions ?

What are the missed opportunities in One Piece for two or more characters meeting or having proper interactions between each other, despite all the potential of them having cool or interesting relations and moments together due to their shared connections or parallels, similar or opposite personalities, etc...?

With the death of Vegapunk and end of this arc on Egghead, I am really disappointed that we didn't get to see a proper meeting and interactions between Franky and Vegapunk, given that Franky is an inventor himself, his staying in Vegapunk's homeland and original laboratory in Kakakuri Island, him being able of recreating some of Punk's tech, and of his worship for the old scientist.
I am still bitter about the lack of interactions between Monet and the rest of the Donquixote Pirates other than Doflamingo and Vergo, especially with Sugar since they are sisters.
She should’ve been captured and held as a ransom or something. Maybe she joins the GF or one of the crews afterwards after a small character arc

such a cool DF and character design wasted imo


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I would’ve enjoyed having Law and Blackbeard talk about the D and history @Reborn @Blackbeard
I don't think law has any idea about D and history. Perhaps even BB doesn't know

But yeah I was looking forward to them sharing more information about the incident in which they were involved.

And, didn't like the offscreen stuff which oda pulls with BB.

Law is an important character and he deserved to lose on panel a bit disappointed with this
  • Sanji and Vegapunk
  • Sanji and Kaido
  • Franky and Vegapunk
  • Judge and Vegapunk
  • Garp and Burgess on Hachinosu
  • Lafitte and the Big Mom pirates at the Wano waterfalls
  • Jinbe and Jack
  • Law and Death in front of the Colosseum
Interactions between Jinbei and Hancock with Doflamingo, knowing that the latter is a former Celestial Dragon and took part in slave traffic as the owner of the slave auction house in Saobody.

All kind of interactions between the Yonkos, save for between Big Mom and Kaido.

Rocks D Xebec with the rest of his crew, Kaido's flashback was the perfect opportunity for this, and Xebec could have been shown to be to Kaido a darker version of what Roger was to Shanks, being Kaido's parental figure with the two having a genuine but twisted affection between them.

Big Mom and Streusen, since Streusen was Linlin's father figure and is very largely responsible for how she turned out, as well as likely her King of Hearts who's the only one who can influence and restrain her to a degree.

Any interaction that Doflamingo as the largest broker of the Underworld could have had with Big Mom, Whitebeard and Blackbeard as all Yonko crews have ties with the Underworld, especially the Big Mom Pirates, and even Whitebeard used medicines provided by the Donquixote Family as seen with the logos on them.
What are the missed opportunities in One Piece for two or more characters meeting or having proper interactions between each other, despite all the potential of them having cool or interesting relations and moments together due to their shared connections or parallels, similar or opposite personalities, etc...?

With the death of Vegapunk and end of this arc on Egghead, I am really disappointed that we didn't get to see a proper meeting and interactions between Franky and Vegapunk, given that Franky is an inventor himself, his staying in Vegapunk's homeland and original laboratory in Kakakuri Island, him being able of recreating some of Punk's tech, and of his worship for the old scientist.
Franky and Vegapunk or Franky, Chopper and Vegapunk not interacting was the biggest let down for me on Egghead. It was the perfect opportunity to give them more focus this arc. Even if it was only 2 or 4 chapters long, it would've been enough.

At least have a few pages of Franky exchanging research notes with one of the Vegapunks and explain all the things he learned while at Vegapunk's old lab, and how he was able to implement all of his old tech into himself, but that he still couldn't reach his back, then have it so the Vegapunks help Franky finally augment his back with protective cybernetics so his one weakness is eliminated.

Also have Chopper exchange some notes with Pythagoras (since he got to do nothing) on medical research and learning how to cure sapphire scales and other experimental treatments.

Zoro and maybe Brook deserved to visit Ryuma's grave considering the bond both shared with Ryuma's zombified corpse and sword, maybe even have Brook comment about how he can hear Ryuma's soul is at ease at having his sword returned, just like his shadow was at ease returning to his own body, implying Brook and Ryuma are connected, and Zoro forming a strong bond with Ryuma's spirit where you could have Brook say "Ryuma is grateful you cherished and cared for his amazing sword so much. You were truly worthy of it." and then have Zoro pour out a sake jug in Ryuma's honor.

Zoro should've also been more involved with Wano characters considering the whole arc was about swordsmanship and the homeland of his ancestors which Loda only lazily revealed in an SBS instead of in the actual story. Instead its just Wano characters being introduced every 3 chapters without much rhyme or reason.

Sanji needed more interactions with his siblings and his father outside of flashbacks along with a proper fight between them where Sanji made them pay for what they did to the palace maid and the countless slave clones. Showing that Sanji's own growth didn't need their mutant science to get ahead. Instead, Loda does the exact opposite with that concept and even had Sanji fight some fatass pretending to be his brothers by using mutant science instead of the skills Zeff taugh him as a metaphor about how his step-father's teachings are superior to those of his blood father.

The Germa as a whole were also a bunch of poorly executed power rangers and now they're still running around freely still doing horrible experiments with a guy who tormented and drugged kids.

Also Loda could've tried to make Pudding not be so unlikable, or make her mood swings and sudden change in alignment not feel so rushed.

Chopper should've had a moment, even a short one, in Wano with literally anyone from there while observing the sakura blossoms, maybe even with a character claiming to have met Dr. Hiriluk in the past and how traveling to Wano inspired Hiriluk to make sakuras bloom on Drum Island. Heck, cherry blossoms even used to be part of Chopper's attacks, so having this moment inspire Chopper to make a new move out of this revelation would've been wonderfully meaningful.

Chopper also deserved more screentime during Zou to show how he felt being surrounded by other beings like himself, especially since his interactions with Milky felt shallow af.

Outside of having a friendship with Koala and Hack, Robin's time with the Revs feels incredibly underdeveloped, and it doesn't help that her cover story didn't actually show anything of her time with the Revs outside of Tequila Wolf.

Loda also missed a huge opportunity in not letting Robin interact with the men responsible for destroying her homeland and family.

This one isn't as important, but Jinbei should've shown the Fishman Karate Dojo at least once to the Straw Hats. Jinbei's late introduction also left him with little bonding time with the straw hats, that's made all the more shallow by the fact that the straw hats haven't had much non-flanderized bonding time since the sabaody split.

And speaking of that, it would've been nice if Loda had at least had the Straw Hats interact more after reuniting at Sabaody and actually talk about the things they went through during the 2 years, or least even feature a small text box saying that they talked, hugged, cried and partied on the way down to Fishman Isle.

There are more, like how underused Big Mom's kids were and didn't have proper fights with the straw hats while there, etc, but whatever.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Elbaf Arc ends up only giving Usopp one or two chapters of screentime where he only squeals like a fanboy over the giants or screams in fear a lot. Or that Loda decides to do nothing with him since the giants will be too busy worshiping Nika.
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