My Problem with femminist media types

According to Law rich also need to pay the taxes and that rarely happens.
Upholding the law is what matters, and judging from report from UNICEF

"Globally girls have higher survival rates at birth, are more likely to be developmentally on track, and just as likely to participate in preschool, but India is the only large country where more girls die than boys. Girls are also more likely to drop out of school.

In India girls and boys experience adolescence differently. While boys tend to experience greater freedom, girls tend to face extensive limitations on their ability to move freely and to make decisions affecting their work, education, marriage and social relationships.

As girls and boys age the gender barriers continue to expand and continue into adulthood where we see only a quarter of women in the formal workplace.

There are risks, violations and vulnerabilities girls face just because they are girls. Most of these risks are directly linked to the economic, political, social and cultural disadvantages girls deal with in their daily lives. This becomes acute during crisis and disasters.

With the prevalence of gender discrimination, and social norms and practices, girls become exposed to the possibility of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, child domestic work, poor education and health, sexual abuse, exploitation and violence. Many of these manifestations will not change unless girls are valued more. "

Sure Laws exist, but when you look at quality of life you can really tell how much same laws are upheld

And in the same marriage as seen above men still have more freedom.
Didn't know India was this bad for women.I started studying yoga and other stuff from their culture and i'm liking it very much.
I agree. I just said what I said to make the kid understand equality isn't desired everywhere regardless of what you read online.

As I said, it's mostly due to their personal circumstances, not because they don't have rights. For instance, two adults are allowed to marry without the parents' consent according to Law. So they have that right, but the girl's family kills the man or assaults him. It doesn't happen always but it does happen and the victims are mostly men. People are coming out of that mindset slowly, but we're not there yet.

I am pretty sure there are more Indian men in Dubai than Indian women. They move there because they have better opportunities just like how people migrate to countries with better opportunities anywhere else in the world. It has nothing to do with not having rights. I don't know how the law works precisely in Dubai but I am rather positive women in India have just as many rights as Dubai women if not more.

On the contrary, men in India can't file rape cases against women. We don't have domestic violence laws for men and against women. Men are guilty until proven innocent in any case filed by a woman—your family gets arrested too, not just you. You aren't compensated if you're falsely convicted by a woman's false allegations. You can't get a divorce if your wife doesn't want it. You can't break up with the girl you're in a relationship with if she doesn't want to leave you—you get booked for rape, so you either go to jail or marry her against your will. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg. All of this is enforced by law, not by social norms.
The family gets arrested too o.0 that is hardcore.