Character Discussion Nami is not Greedy

AL sama

Red Haired
just look at how Nami is using money and you'll get your answer

Nami is greedy normally but she can let go of that greediness at times and that makes her pretty relatable as a character

people change and grow up to be certain ways due to their life experiences and Nami is the same

she grew up to be a greedy person regardless of the cause
It is a quirk associated with childhood trauma and past incidents. She was always scrapping for money from the young age, it developed into one of her character trait. Similar situation with Sanji, all the men in his life were cruel to him except his sister and mother.
or Usopp who made lies to console his mother. Even Luffy, Sabo and Ace who felt suffocated in gray terminal under nobles and wanted to be free like pirates.
This still stands

CoC: Color of Clowns

Makin' Bacon Pancakes
just look at how Nami is using money and you'll get your answer

Nami is greedy normally but she can let go of that greediness at times and that makes her pretty relatable as a character

people change and grow up to be certain ways due to their life experiences and Nami is the same

she grew up to be a greedy person regardless of the cause
I think Nami seems way more greedy than she is, because she reacts so badly to how STUPID Luffy, Zoro, and other assorted fools on the crew are when it comes to finances.

Like, Robin would be a good treasurer, but, we need as many people as possible looking after the funds when Luffy is willing to eat everything on the ship in one night, or give all their treasure away on a whim.

Ironically Luffy's financial irresponsibility has just made Nami's worse habits worse.

I should have specified before making this thread that I meant the actual deadly sin of greed. Nami has greedy tendencies, but, is she was truly greedy, she would fantasize about having more than she needs, which I don't think happens that often.
I don't know about ''not greedy'', she was trying to extort money from Zoro in Loguetown wasn't she ? He got his swords for free and was giving back the money she lend him but she decided that he interest was double or triple (can't recall exactly), who does interest with his ''family members'' ?
You can ''understand'' and explain why she is greedy but you can't deny it.