Vote Lynch Reborn
Throw all the toys out. You think you can demand things and I must jump. I already said in this thread I was at work. You will learn to speak with manners or you will not get cooperation from me.
He is the one throwing a babyfit because I don't answer his questions when he demands them. "I won't ask again". Who does he think he is? Must I be scared?
Cry more. You sussed Gambit based on reading the host. When I pressed you you said he was most experienced and therefore most likely to be scum. When pressed on how you knew Al wouldn't change it this time you couldn't answer. Then you said it was a shot in the dark. If it was a shot in the dark then why were you so sure?
Today, just because people spoke to TAC, they are town?

Absolutely laughable logic. Since when don't scum interact on D1?
And you have the nerve to call my play bad?
With you asking why I never went after TAC? Must I go after him every game?
If you want to quit then go ahead. Tap out. Another broken body.