Need some or a group to talk with

I apologize if this isn't where this thread should belong but I'm just needing help, mentally I feel so drained, I barely have motivation to do what I love and that's boxing

I'm seeking help, from anything from anyone I just want to be stronger mentally

I'm young and I want to prepare for unexpected life events, I don't want to be suicidal I have dreams I want to achieve and right now I feel so worthless, so weak like never before

Just asking for help cause fuck I'm not doing well at all
I've tried, I'm just contacting people left n right and thinking about getting therapy, It feels like nothing is working but I know I can't stop trying
Yes, therapy is a good idea.
We're just starngers on the internet.
And a big part of this userbase has zero understanding for mental issues which can be seen in how they deal with users who have obvious issues.
I apologize if this isn't where this thread should belong but I'm just needing help, mentally I feel so drained, I barely have motivation to do what I love and that's boxing

I'm seeking help, from anything from anyone I just want to be stronger mentally

I'm young and I want to prepare for unexpected life events, I don't want to be suicidal I have dreams I want to achieve and right now I feel so worthless, so weak like never before

Just asking for help cause fuck I'm not doing well at all
No one has a real formula about how to help, all I can say is take it a day at a time, look for professional help and also talk to everyone about it.

If you wanna rant, you're free to do so here :optimistic:

Many people feel the way you do, so at least you're not alone in this.
I apologize if this isn't where this thread should belong but I'm just needing help, mentally I feel so drained, I barely have motivation to do what I love and that's boxing

I'm seeking help, from anything from anyone I just want to be stronger mentally

I'm young and I want to prepare for unexpected life events, I don't want to be suicidal I have dreams I want to achieve and right now I feel so worthless, so weak like never before

Just asking for help cause fuck I'm not doing well at all
Wow, this is depressing. Why so worried when you are young? Time is on your side.
Yes, therapy is a good idea.
We're just starngers on the internet.
And a big part of this userbase has zero understanding for mental issues which can be seen in how they deal with users who have obvious issues.
I know we're all strangers but to me it doesn't really matter because we're all still humans we can all share our experiences with one another
Talkin abt it out loud irl's a good start. Whatev we say on the internet's just words on a screen, doesn't have the same impact. What you're goin through's just the big storm before it gets better. Stay strong, mate! Wish you all the best.
Yes talking about in real life helps a lot more but to me even just words on screen can mean a lot to me, just because I know it's a human on the other side so it makes me feel better venting

Wow, this is depressing. Why so worried when you are young? Time is on your side.
Yep and you're right, I've never really had to grow up with a struggle so this is all new to me and it hits me a lot, time heals but having patience is so hard
Its part of the growing-up process brother =>
I've shed tears and yeah I've accepted it's the process of growing up but I don't wanna just do nothing cause I overthink a lot :pepehands:

one thing I know is that people have gone thru MUCH WORSE but I still feel like I need sum support too

Weather has been very harsh lately too barely can go outside

I got a goal on my bucket list to obtain a Buddhism monks mindset, a long road but hey I got plenty of time since i'm young

I appreciate you trying to help me and even though you didn't put much effort into it I still really appreciate it so thank you :catsweat:
I was depressed for two years and had no hope for my future. I can’t cure your depression but I can share what helped me.
1. Try to cherish the simple things in life. I learned that nothing is "simple" and everything has a certain value.
2. Be honest to yourself. I know is hard but living in a lie is more painful than the hardest reality.
3. Change your environment and look for hobbies. Go for a walk, watch movies, read books etc. Try to avoid toxic people and calm your mind.

What personally helped me the most was my faith in God. I’m not telling you to follow any specific religion, it just helped me a lot.
I didn’t have faith in God because I had a bad time. I always believed in him and saw him as a "best friend" during these times.

Find your own way to peace but believe me one thing, don’t force yourself. Make everything you do with love and genuine feelings

This a quote from my fav manga and also my motto.
