Who will be the next SH?

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Wait, I'm sure in 5 chapters when Bonney wakes up she'll tell a sad story and share kind of dream people will forget Vegapunk and go back to Bonney.
People meming because of the number of candidates, but it has all been perfectly reasonable. Many expected a new nakama this arc, so naturally people have been discussing the two main allies so far. Nobody said Bonney is definitely joining the crew, we were just discussing the possibility. Then Vegapunk showed much more nakama potential with a very strawhat-esque dream so the conversation shifted to him. I get that people are butthurt over Yamato and Carrot, but I'm getting tired of all the posts trying to discredit actual discussions going on just because we're at the begining of an arc and all the candidates are new.
If Luffy is going to find a new nakama on Egghead, than what we need to do is, to look back into the story and how Oda used to introduce new Straw-hats in the past. So, let’s see, what similarities I can find if I compare how Oda as of now has introduces new nakamas in general:
  • New nakamas are most times introduced at the beginning of an Arc/Saga. (- On Egghead this could be: every Vegapunk, Bonney, Lucci, Stussi, Kaku)
  • Luffy interacts with them most times at the beginning on an Arc/Saga in one or another way. This is an interaction Oda focuses especially on. (- On Egghead this could be: Old Punk [Conversation], Bonney [Saved from the sea], Lucci [fight])
  • As the story progresses, the plot slowly starts to tighten around the nakama-to-be (I think we are at that point now in the Arc. With the development of the next chapters, we surely will see who Oda’s plot is focusing on.)
  • With the evolving of the story, the reader is introduced to a deeper problem surrounding the character that is also the explanation of how he/she acted and interacted in the past with the crew. We see a flashback.
  • The problem is solved by Luffy beating some main villain into the ground. (A little crudely worded but it’s true.)
What the story mainly stated so far: I personally think Luffy will face Kizaru. I don’t know why he is coming to Egghead and I am really intrigued what his order is, if Akainu mentioned that his depature to Egghead was planned: Is he to take control of the seraphims? How is he going to do that?; Is he to officially find out about the death of Vegapunk because he `casually´ dropped by to find the old man killed? Or has he other orders?

Then there is the strange behavior of Lucci. He is disregarding orders given to him and deviating from protocol. Why? He even confirms this on his own but gives no fucks and it even angers Kaku a little.

What gives me the creeps is Stussi: She knows certain things about Egghead and its technology. At one point she must have come into contact with it. I don’t know if she had infiltrated Vegapunk’s laboratorium before or if she remembers it from the past – from a certain void century. (Fact is – she keeps her age a mystery and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is immortal.)

In any case, I would link her knowledge of the tech directly with CP0’s orders to kill Vegapunk. I would say, she has found out somehow that Vegapunk has come across forbidden knowledge and informed the WG, which then in turn sent their assasins. It looks to me, that Vegapunk has in fact a great problem at hand. But he seems not to be the fighter, everyone of the Straw Hats is. So, either the old man can do combat in one way or another, or the plot will slowly turn in favor of Bonney or Lucci.

I personally think there is going to be a twist in the story: Lucci is not acting rational and focused on his duty at all, like we are used to be seeing. There is more to it than we know (I can see a problem evolving here somehow.). Meaning something is different with this mission we as reader do not know, yet. I mentioned the similarities of Shaka’s and Lucci’s body-postures before. The fact that Shaka hasn’t taken off his helmet also tells us, the face underneath it will be a surprise for us. I think that he and Lucci are somehow related and that this relationship has been found out somehow by the world government as well (Maybe when Stussi was on Egghead to spy on Vegapunk.). And Kizaru could be sent to Egghead simply because he is to kill Lucci afterwards.

The problem Bonney has is still too one-dimensional for me. I hope it will develop throughout the plot.

All three are candidates.
If Luffy is going to find a new nakama on Egghead, than what we need to do is, to look back into the story and how Oda used to introduce new Straw-hats in the past. So, let’s see, what similarities I can find if I compare how Oda as of now has introduces new nakamas in general:
  • New nakamas are most times introduced at the beginning of an Arc/Saga. (- On Egghead this could be: every Vegapunk, Bonney, Lucci, Stussi, Kaku)
  • Luffy interacts with them most times at the beginning on an Arc/Saga in one or another way. This is an interaction Oda focuses especially on. (- On Egghead this could be: Old Punk [Conversation], Bonney [Saved from the sea], Lucci [fight])
  • As the story progresses, the plot slowly starts to tighten around the nakama-to-be (I think we are at that point now in the Arc. With the development of the next chapters, we surely will see who Oda’s plot is focusing on.)
  • With the evolving of the story, the reader is introduced to a deeper problem surrounding the character that is also the explanation of how he/she acted and interacted in the past with the crew. We see a flashback.
  • The problem is solved by Luffy beating some main villain into the ground. (A little crudely worded but it’s true.)
What the story mainly stated so far: I personally think Luffy will face Kizaru. I don’t know why he is coming to Egghead and I am really intrigued what his order is, if Akainu mentioned that his depature to Egghead was planned: Is he to take control of the seraphims? How is he going to do that?; Is he to officially find out about the death of Vegapunk because he `casually´ dropped by to find the old man killed? Or has he other orders?

Then there is the strange behavior of Lucci. He is disregarding orders given to him and deviating from protocol. Why? He even confirms this on his own but gives no fucks and it even angers Kaku a little.

What gives me the creeps is Stussi: She knows certain things about Egghead and its technology. At one point she must have come into contact with it. I don’t know if she had infiltrated Vegapunk’s laboratorium before or if she remembers it from the past – from a certain void century. (Fact is – she keeps her age a mystery and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is immortal.)

In any case, I would link her knowledge of the tech directly with CP0’s orders to kill Vegapunk. I would say, she has found out somehow that Vegapunk has come across forbidden knowledge and informed the WG, which then in turn sent their assasins. It looks to me, that Vegapunk has in fact a great problem at hand. But he seems not to be the fighter, everyone of the Straw Hats is. So, either the old man can do combat in one way or another, or the plot will slowly turn in favor of Bonney or Lucci.

I personally think there is going to be a twist in the story: Lucci is not acting rational and focused on his duty at all, like we are used to be seeing. There is more to it than we know (I can see a problem evolving here somehow.). Meaning something is different with this mission we as reader do not know, yet. I mentioned the similarities of Shaka’s and Lucci’s body-postures before. The fact that Shaka hasn’t taken off his helmet also tells us, the face underneath it will be a surprise for us. I think that he and Lucci are somehow related and that this relationship has been found out somehow by the world government as well (Maybe when Stussi was on Egghead to spy on Vegapunk.). And Kizaru could be sent to Egghead simply because he is to kill Lucci afterwards.

The problem Bonney has is still too one-dimensional for me. I hope it will develop throughout the plot.

All three are candidates.
I'm confused, are you claiming Lucci is a candidate?
Guys. I don't want to bump this thread.. but..

There is very little chances for a new character to join now. My error was to think that Oda was going develop Carrot later but looking at the story right now, it's just not really possible in this story. I was wrong on my conclusion for Carrot, but what I wrote for her still stands for other characters.

Especially The 12 Pillars:
  1. The quirk.
  2. The fighting skill
  3. The antagonistic introduction.
  4. The multi layered characterization.
  5. The symbolic reach.
  6. The Strong character arc.
  7. The hint of a recrutment.
  8. The hint of 3 driving forces. The narrative motor or the character
  9. The post. One of the most important parameter for a strawhat
  10. The Shining Nakama Action. The icing on top of the wedding cake
  11. The Rescue. The major part of the creation of a strawhat.
  12. The refusal of the call to adventure. THE deal breaker.
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I mean sure it would be cool, but it has literally no chance of happening. Strawhats aren't adding a mass murderer to the crew.
That is why it is a possibility, I of course cannot be sure.
I also would like to hint: Vegapunk’s and Lucci’s ideologies have something in common: As Vegapunk mentions his dream of connecting every person through Punk-reacords, Jinbe mentions that it could lead to trouble at some point. To which VP just disregards this as a mere side problem that stands in the way of a huge step for the progress of science.

Now, looking at Lucci’s ideology – he is disregarding certain individual’s lifes (Robin) in favor of the worlds peace.
That is why it is a possibility, I of course cannot be sure.
I also would like to hint: Vegapunk’s and Lucci’s ideologies have something in common: As Vegapunk mentions his dream of connecting every person through Punk-reacords, Jinbe mentions that it could lead to trouble at some point. To which VP just disregards this as a mere side problem that stands in the way of a huge step for the progress of science.

Now, looking at Lucci’s ideology – he is disregarding certain individual’s lifes (Robin) in favor of the worlds peace.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to entertain the idea of Lucci for nakama.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to entertain the idea of Lucci for nakama.
And you have all the right to do so. I just love to look at the possibilities and get surprised by the next chapter anyway.
There is too much to write for Lucci to become a strawhat, and in the narrative genre of One Piece, it's simply impossible.

Lucci is the representation of the killer hand of a fascist/authoritarian gouvernment, it's the complete opposition of what a hero is in One Piece. Each strawhats are hero in in their own way, making Lucci one is simply not an option with what he is and what he stands for.

In another story, more grounded, more grey, the potential to create an arc of redemption of Lucci would be possible, but not in One Piece in the laps of time we have left.

And like I said previously, the possibility of a new character joining the crew is simply too thin now. What I wrote on Carrot still stands for other characters, there is too much to write now.
There is too much to write for Lucci to become a strawhat, and in the narrative genre of One Piece, it's simply impossible.

Lucci is the representation of the killer hand of a fascist/authoritarian gouvernment, it's the complete opposition of what a hero is in One Piece. Each strawhats are hero in in their own way, making Lucci one is simply not an option with what he is and what he stands for.

In another story, more grounded, more grey, the potential to create an arc of redemption of Lucci would be possible, but not in One Piece in the laps of time we have left.

And like I said previously, the possibility of a new character joining the crew is simply too thin now. What I wrote on Carrot still stands for other characters, there is too much to write now.
As I said, let us get surprised. But I personally would not disregard the possibility of a redemption. We do not know what Oda is up to as of now. What we can write here are mere speculations. If one is to take Lucci for an actual possibility or not has to be decided by each individual. I for instance quite like the thought - it would give the upcoming plot something unique. Let's see.

Gorosei Informer

Bruh. Luffy squared up against lucci on sight. Lucci has no redemption possible cause his actions are all because he loves to kill. He bad.
Even Kaido joins before lucci.
Also not to mention, Robin is the KEY reason why Lucci will NOT and NEVER join the Strawhats or at least be allowed to.

I can't believe this is even being suggested by someone....

IF he actually joins then Oda has actually lost his entire mind and is trolling/spiting us too or he's not writing the series anymore somehow for whatever reason. It would be like the opposite of a miracle happening, a freakishly unlikely and devstating tragedy, with the slimmest of odds to ever happen, near impossibility but still happens...

Like the scars on Lucci's back, it would leave irrepairable damage to the integrity of OP as a story, what the SHs went through and who they are and Oda as a writer too.

I wouldn't mind a Lucci redemption arc, well pseudo-redemption at least, like maybe an anti-hero or true neutral at best or something like that but I don't think we'll have the time for it either, Oda has only brought him back for fanservice and to hype up Luffy's growth too. He was even trying to capture Robin again for the WG, history repeating itself which says it all too.

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What we can write here are mere speculations.
Of course, it's speculation, but like I explained many times around here. An author who wants to create a good story just can't create everything they want just because they are the master.

First, even if it's still possible to have another strawhat that possibility lies on thin ice, it's would be quite exceptional for Oda to recreate an entire arc for a character with the twelve pillars listed above. It would need an entire arc after egghead. Elbaf might be that one arc, but it feels like this arc will be centered around the lore so I doubt it.

Second, to create a redemption arc for Lucci, Oda would need MORE than an entire arc and even if that possibility was real, it wouldn't fit in the One Piece story gendra. One Piece draws a line for redemption arcs. When a person like Mjosgard tries to kill the fish men, he does that mostly by ignorance and racism but when you get rids of those two patterns, you can create someone who understand that what he did was wrong.. therefore you have your redemption arc.

In the case of Lucci, there is no ignorance, no racism. Lucci is sidding with the gouvernement and its fascist authority because of his murdering tendancies. That's not something you can just work on like that you would need an entire story for Lucci to get a redemption arc and even there, he wouldn't become a hero and therefore a strawhat, more like someone like Bellamy. Plus, to create a strawhat, that strawhat ABSOLUTELY needs to side with Luffy to a point where they are able to give up their dream for him.

And well... none of that is happening with Lucci anytime soon.
Present day Oda couldn’t pull off a Lucci redemption arc in advance of joining the crew if he had eight brains and sixteen hands, truly the least likely character in the entire series to receive that kind of glow up :gonope:
I don't think he wouldn't be able to do that. I just think it's too grey to fit the narration of One Piece. (at least to become a strawhat, to become someone like bellamy I don't see any problem with that)