Perospero is still responsible. Sorry.
Sanji and the Straw Hats had beef with Perospero and Big Mom. What did Perospero do to Zou, or Minks, outside of Zou? Hell, Big Mom sent Pekoms to Zou, because she respects her crew enough to understand Pekoms didn't want to see his hometown messed up in the hunt for Sanji.
Pedro could have also used the dynamite too... oh, I don't know... BLOW UP THE CANDY TRAPPING THE SHIP!?!
This is not a Pell situation. Perospero never tried to blow up anyone (he did try to kill Chopper and Brook when they refused to leave, though).
If you can't admit Perospero never tried to kill Pedro in the first place, you care way more about your agenda than reading the actual manga.
Carrot's "revenge" against Perospero exists solely because Pedro kept illegally entering Yonkou territory with the intent to steal Poneglyphs.
You're cheapening Pedro's sacrifice by acting like it had anything to do with revenge against Perospero, when Pedro just wanted to keep his promise to Roger, and help bring about the Dawn.
Luffy wasn't beating his heart on the rooftop because Pedro was murdered by Perospero, it's because Luffy knew Pedro sacrificed himself to help Luffy reach that point of Gear 5.
How the fuck you're going to spend this much time talking about Carrot and blatantly ignore basic aspects of her plotline???
There's plenty of reasons to hate Perospero, but, Pedro blew himself up.
You realize this series is about Free Will, right?