Who will be the next SH?

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Let's talk and analize all the main chances of joining:

Lucci & Kaku: 10%
After this arc will end he will obviously be wanted from the Navy, as Kaku also. The alternatives are two: becoming a member of SH's pirates, and doing so he woudl also redeem himself from the past, or become an ally under Luffy protection.
Stussy: 15%
I honestly don't know what she could do, maybe because she is a clone she doesn't have a life of her own, and she with SH pirates will know the world and have a life goal with SH pirates. And same as Lucci and Kaku she will be wanted from the Navy
Vegapunk: 40%
I think very probably the things that will happen will be this: The real Vegapunk will die at the end of this arc, but he will transfer all of his knowledge to one of his clone. York is the traitor, so she cannot be, Edison, Pythagoras and Shaka are out of the game.
The only chances are Atlas and Llilith... Lilith even though she is petrified, she will return back to normal, because eventually they will need to make Usopp and Franky return too. Honestly in my opinion she has much more possibilities than Atlas
He has high chances since he's travelling with SH from time skip, even before Fishman islands.
Since he has not done anything we cannot tell. I hate how Oda leave things suspended like that...
Yamato&carrot: 10%
They could show up at the end of this arc. In my opinion there will be a timeskip...because in the last chapter there was a 3 months story telling gap. And in that case we will know what happened to them
Bellamy: 5%
As Yamato and Carrot he could be one of the new members joining during the time skip
A giant/ Hajrudinn: 15%
I think that a Giant could join during Elbaf, but the only problem it's the space on the ship. Maybe if there is a giant that can reduce its size... it could
Bonney: 5%
Are there really people that think she could join? She is a supernova, and of course she will not...
Vivi: 99%
As Jimbei did in the past she has basically been confirmed to be the last strahwat (the 13th one)

I think there will be at the end 13 strahwats (Luffy included) and they will be: Carrot, Yamato and Vivi
What is with Oda's comment about the last Straw hat joining back to back with Jinbe? If we are taking this into account, we know that the last nakama needs to join on Egghead. Have you taken this into consideration? How would the stats need to be adapted then, in you opinion?
Nah, only legitimate candidate left is Vivi. That promise at the end of Alabasta and their reunion still needs to be resolved.

Everybody else are either troll choices or cope though I wouldn’t mind being wrong about Stussy.
Nah after she was introduced with wapol and Morgan’s it’s becoming clear she’ll just be a damsel in distress till the end
What is with the sudden confidence in Vivi based on the goodbye in Alabasta? Until Egghead, everyone understood that the promise didn't mean she would join the crew, just that she'll always be their nakama. Now suddenly everyone is trying to retcon it into a Jinbei situation since the next nakama options have dried up.
Because the choices they wanted didn’t join but they get the odds are good of another female straw hat joining
What is with the sudden confidence in Vivi based on the goodbye in Alabasta? Until Egghead, everyone understood that the promise didn't mean she would join the crew, just that she'll always be their nakama. Now suddenly everyone is trying to retcon it into a Jinbei situation since the next nakama options have dried up.
Not saying that I have great confidence that Vivi’s gonna actually join the SHs or that I even want her to join. Just saying that she’s the only one left with an actual case imo especially because her history with the SHs and that she‘s clearly being set up for something big in the future.

That being said I think it’s far more likely that we’re done adding new SHs.
What is with the sudden confidence in Vivi based on the goodbye in Alabasta? Until Egghead, everyone understood that the promise didn't mean she would join the crew, just that she'll always be their nakama. Now suddenly everyone is trying to retcon it into a Jinbei situation since the next nakama options have dried up.
Enel for nakama is the truth and you know it