Well i don't agree that things like " she never talked to the crew" translates into someone being the traitor. I don't see the connection.
You could say York is great reveal because she's such a background character but i heard initially very similiar arguments from people saying it was Edisson or Pythagoras, and it works just as well. Her wandering around i don't think lines up with things like the cameras going off or that bomb that blew up Pythagoras, which are the main issues.
As for point number 4 again, most people didn't think it was York because honestly most Satelites are very irrelevant and forgetable, i myself strugle to rebember their names,, Shaka is obviously the main one, Atlas and Lilith have an extremlly lukewarm developement and Edison, Pythagoras and York are all very background characters, so i'm not shocked that it's York because "we never suspected it", it's just that it's just as good as Edison in that aspect because they're all very unsuspecting background satelites.
As for the S-snake beam, again i dunno why anyone is trying to justify this, yes for the "the purpose of throwing off the reader" it's great, because it's an ass pull to estabilish that a character was "dead", but in in-world logic it makes no sense, not only did she ask to be petrified for the purposes of tricking just 2 SHs,
noone even suspected her, and in that same chapter Shaka simply wandered off away from a fight and went to Vegapunk and noone cared.
York on the other hand suposedly, asked S-Snake to atack her group, got petrified on purpose and then told S-snake previously to unpetrify her, at risk of being seen by Franky or anyone, to trick 2 people who didn't suspect her, to then go to Vegapunk to shoot Shaka in the head, (without knowning he was there), before he could save Vegapunk.
And so i ask what is the point of this perfectly timed theatre? Besides lining up things perfectly for Oda?
And finally for point number 5, again just as point number 4, this thing of "York is great because she's greed", my guy, Lilith literally embodies "Evil".
Just as much as York is similiar in unsuspecting candidates due to irrelevance like Pythagoras or Edison, she's also thematically not better than Lilith or Atlas. In fact a lot of people i saw, didn't suspect Lilith because it was too obvious, that the character that represents "Evil" would be the traitor, because duh, it's Evil.
If i were to atribute a theme to traitor/wanting to be a celestial dragon it would be evil not greed. The concept of greed that people are alluding to here doesn't even make sense, greed is usually associated with wealth and power, they literally live on an island that can produce jewels and Lilith doesn't seem to even want money as a character, so what does she want?
The power to own slaves? Or kill people at a whim? Because that sounds more like "evil" and if we're pretending that the satelites theme matter, i'll be expecting Lilith to be a villain relatively soon, because if York
can embody greed so much that she wants to be a CD, i see no reason why Lilith would ever be a good guy, because otherwise that means the satelites themes is just bs.
So yeah