Who will be the next SH?

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Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I don't buy it , i'm at my almost last straw. Kuzan changes the whole dynamic such that, either we have to completly flip adversaries, and still have MASSIVE powerscaling issues. ( Yamato is the only one at this point to me that makes sense to join last and fight the last- for kuzan power level)

Or Kuzan is just an ally or not actually on the BB side, which just means we're done with 9 SH, years of baiting for nothing

Either way shit's fucked

Yep. Regardless of who fights this man, powerscaling is out the window :ihaha:
I'm all in on Smoker now, narratively he makes the most sense to fight Aokiji assuming there's no betrayal from him. (powerlevel wise not so much...but that's a problem for later). Currently Smoker is mysteriously absent from the story and is separated from Tashigi. Along with the fact that Tashigi was last seen on an island very near Egghead. With his faith in the marines slowly slipping I can see him finally making the jump to Strawhat knowing that their justice is more aligned with his.

The only question that remains for me is what would his role on the crew be?
Honestly I don't know about that, I mean yes this is a massive powerscaling issue but he seems ride or die for Teach :handsup:

So game on.
Nah, totally finished. The chapter just admitted that Kuzan has his own game, he’s very obviously a completely different kettle of fish from the others and no Strawhat is going to match up with him.

It’ll be another Marine or even Luffy (revenge for Garp) that deals with Kuzan- if he gets dealt with. Smoker for Strawhat is the only slight hope for this
Wait i just realized we got confirmation this chapter that Chopper made a Rumble ball that makes minks go Sulong

Yes confirmation that Sulong can be activated without the moon is huge, especially since Chopper made it

Any qualms about Carrots strength is dead in the dirt now

Even better if she gets the snow fruit and goes sulong that way