I mean i don't think Yamato's "I want to join " spam makes her even a good contender, in story universe sure, but not naratively.
It's retarded it's the inverse of Luffy asking that tree in Thriller Bark to be his nakama or asking random things as a gag. I'd rather have a slow burn new crewmate like Carrot was set up to be, because honestly the newer the SH the less characterization you get, ever since Franky, and at this point, no other crewmate makes sense.
Ever since Robin the following SHs all felt very lackigng in protagonism, whoever thought Carrot didn't get an arc for her, must of forgotten Franky, before if you read Water7 he really isn't that important, it's one out of 3-4 main character arcs, the arc isn't centered around him.
So to me WCI was more than fine, seeing as SH charaterization is getting worse and worse, i mean Jimbei is a complete void of personality.
And we know it's going to be one more SH at least so.