Who will be the Next Strawhat?

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Ace already accomplished his dream to die.
finally somebody gets Ace's character arc!

When did you that find its way into your head?! Or is it a joke and I am just not realising it?
Everyone is very serious about their nakama agendas. Lucci will definitely join and then Carrot eats the snow fruit.

Fuck it, time to jump face first into a new nakama train with no real evidence:cr7: #KumaForNakama I'm on board
Good choice. Kuma4nakama is real
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Wait, I don't think I ever actually made a theory post, shit.

The basis behind this is simple: Carrot uses Rokushiki, so where did she learn it from (if you watch her fights, she uses Soru and Geppo regularly):

Her paw based attacks are also similar to Shigan.

Next, just look at the characters. Oda has drawn them in very similar outfits, and introduced them in arcs right after each other.

Look at the capes, the hats, the focus on white/pink/orange.

My current theory is that Zepo, Bepo's brother, was Carrot's father, and met Stussy on Whole Cake, since we know Stussy travels there.

Pedro felt responsible for Zepo's death (since... well, he was), and raised Carrot as his own daughter.

It doesn't have much legs to stand on, but when Oda introduces Straw Hats with missing parents, it generally becomes a plot point later on. The only Straw Hat I don't expect to see ANY parental stuff from is Brook, because... yeah.
So somebody clapped a mink?
Also tbf that scene with Zoro didn't make much sense, he fought Kaku who definitely knows Geppo and saw Lucci fighting so I don't know why he'd be surprised to see Carrot using Geppo.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Haters will say Jabra isn't Robin's Brother
there is 90% going to be some kind of memory transfer plot with Kuma and / or Vegapunk
Yeah, Oda introducing memory transfer is WAYYYYY more important that I first thought.

The whole series is about Inherited Will, being able to transfer memories ties directly into the Poneglyphs, it's a huge deal.