Something something Vaginal Haki.
IDK, Oda's a freak.
Ironically One Piece taught me to introduce Elastic Magic into my series for situations like this, where the size gap makes the sex seem physically questionable. There's a storybook/sex comic in one of my books about a large knight who went on an adventure to find a potion to change size so he could finally make love with his Fairy wife, but, in the end, he found a potion of Elastic Magic instead, and they mass produced it so they could finally get it on.
The character who reads this sex comic actually gets socially ostricized by his crush after dropping it in the library accidentally, where she then goes to pick it up and sees... uh... crazy fairy sex, and is utterly disgusted.
Once she becomes a vampire and they get together, she shapeshifts into a fairy, though, and, wheeeee, crazy fairy sex. The funniest part is eventually they meet an actual Fairy who starts shaming the woman in question for doing such lewd shit, since actual Fairies use Compression Magic in order to procreate with larger lifeforms, rather than get stretched out like Gear 5 Luffy.
I wanted to make it so that races of different sizes could get together in my series, I looked at Luffy, and I was like, "Hey... elastic magic solves all of the sexual problems I'm having with fairies banging giants." (Brand new sentence, wow).
Got Elves fucking Giants, Dragons fucking Dwarves, Basilisks fucking Water Nymphs, Amazons snu snuing Fairies.
I was inspired by Shrek as a child:
Love finds a way. Size gaps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Age gaps. As long as it's legal, it fits, and she wants the dick, thou shall hit.
Kind of crazy Donkey ended up being a better dad than Shrek. Good on ya, Donkey.
Realoded was probably so jealous watching these scenes.
Keep in mind Big Mom wanted Lola to marry Loki, a Giant, and have kids with him. Big Mom's a fucking crazy person. Not as crazy as me though, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
If I was a vampire I'd fix Japan's birthrate by fucking the economy back to life, and then take over the country with my army of vampire children. Then I'd reduce work hours and schoolwork, increase punishments for subway molestation incidents, make strict laws against sexualizing and abusing idols in the Idol Industry, remove censorship from porn and hentai, expand industies into other countries due to the limited living space provided in Japan, promote terraforming initiatives to create artificial land masses around Japan to serve as islands to provide more living space and natural spaces, give maternal leave and paternal leave to parents, as well as reduced work hours in general to workers with children, make a 4-day work week for most jobs, and financially incentivize adults to have children by giving tax and meal credits to parents.
If only I was a cute vampire chick in Japan. If only.
I'm a 30 year old furry who's about to turn 31...