Who will be the next SH?

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Sure, right. Kuma's ability, which is absorbed by anyone/thing that touches it, just conveniently doesn't work with this one particular application of it, despite all other applications we've seen doing it the complete opposite.

Memory bubbles just exists indefinitely without any constraints.
Dude, the only other version of this we've seen is the pain one, which is pointless if it doesn't dissapear. You're acting like there's been a bunch of different types.
I didn't need to. I've explained hundreds of times on this thread that while the posts and the dream can be officialized later in the story (after the embarkment) the skills and at least the thematic related to those skills must be setup at the VERY BEGINNING.

The reasons are narratively simple: Skills are a foundamental part of a character in a shonen. Giving a character like a strawhat a special skill for a post later in the story is a very narratively dangerous thing to do and will lead to bad writing 99% of the time. The only way you can manage to postpoined the relevation of the skills of the character is if you are making them false antagonist first.

But in anyway, even if you postpoined the revelation of those skill, you need to rattach them to a pre-existing thematic for the character. This is why Robin is early introduced with a special curiosity for one of the biggest mystery at the time, and why Franky is build like the representation of what Luffy was imagining a shipwright to be and at the place where this representation makes sence.
Than you do know what skill the SHPs/Vegapunk need to flee from Egghead, right?

Seeing as Saturn put it in chapter 1095: "The coasts have been completely blocked by our army... It would be something to see you escape from such a hopeless situation."

And it is. Don't you think that they need someone, with the brain and tactical skills to get them out of there? :beanmean:
Everything turns into a fully fledged argument with Logiko around
Simply because I'm being constantly gaslighted. People keep affirming false stuff about my argumentation without understanding it. And its not because I'm not doing a good job at explaining it, it simply a question of not accepting it.
Simply because I'm being constantly gaslighted. People keep affirming false stuff about my argumentation without understanding it. And its not because I'm not doing a good job at explaining it, it simply a question of not accepting it.
No, because you say the dumbest stuff we've heard on the internet and then claim everyone else isn't smart enough to understand your genius when people disagree.
Simply because I'm being constantly gaslighted. People keep affirming false stuff about my argumentation without understanding it. And its not because I'm not doing a good job at explaining it, it simply a question of not accepting it.
That's not gaslighting, people just disagree with you. Noone is trying to convince you of something that's not true to trick you

I'm assuming you're going to call this gaslighting aswell


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
Logiko is gaslighting all the time and now he's projecting his actions on the opponent like the narcissist that he is
Ironic, considering he's accusing other people of gaslighting whilst he's the one doing it, people are just refuting his moronic arguments and he has no substantial counter for it :kayneshrug:
That's not gaslighting, people just disagree with you. Noone is trying to convince you of something that's not true to trick you

Ironic, considering he's accusing other people of gaslighting whilst he's the one doing it, people are just refuting his moronic arguments and he has no substantial counter for it :kayneshrug:
Logiko is gaslighting all the time and now he's projecting his actions on the opponent like the narcissist that he is
I'm assuming you're going to call this gaslighting aswell
Gaslighting is the inversion of culpability through the deformation of truth.

In this case, you guys are not the one that are being insulted, I'm am. Always has been the case.
by morons trying to tell me that Carrot was an important

Yes, I do think that you guys don't understand my points most of the time, but that's not because I think you are not smart enough. Simply because I have a background that you might not have and therefore I have a new way of looking at the story. That's in fact something you guys seems to hate, how many time was my background and experience laughed at/deligitimized/insulted ? Sigh..

Always remember that the one who have always insulted others here are you guys (as a group), not me.

From the beginning of my presence here, you guys have been actually using toxicity/insults/gaslighting/lies/manipulation of words to transform/deligitimize my words and arguments while the thing I was doing was explaining more and more in detail my point to make it understandable.

A objective observer would see that instantly. Sadly, we are not in such a configuration. So, all I can do is continue my pedagogy, explain my arguments with as much detail as possible in the hope that one day, one or more of you will go back to objectivity and see that what I say from the beginning is actually perfectly logical.
Gaslighting is the inversion of culpability through the deformation of truth.

In this case, you guys are not the one that are being insulted, I'm am. Always has been the case.

Yes, I do think that you guys don't understand my points most of the time, but that's not because I think you are not smart enough. Simply because I have a background that you might not have and therefore I have a new way of looking at the story. That's in fact something you guys seems to hate, how many time was my background and experience laughed at/deligitimized/insulted ? Sigh..

Always remember that the one who have always insulted others here are you guys (as a group), not me.

From the beginning of my presence here, you guys have been actually using toxicity/insults/gaslighting/lies/manipulation of words to transform/deligitimize my words and arguments while the thing I was doing was explaining more and more in detail my point to make it understandable.

A objective observer would see that instantly. Sadly, we are not in such a configuration. So, all I can do is continue my pedagogy, explain my arguments with as much detail as possible in the hope that one day, one or more of you will go back to objectivity and see that what I say from the beginning is actually perfectly logical.
Won't join
Gaslighting is the inversion of culpability through the deformation of truth.

In this case, you guys are not the one that are being insulted, I'm am. Always has been the case.

Yes, I do think that you guys don't understand my points most of the time, but that's not because I think you are not smart enough. Simply because I have a background that you might not have and therefore I have a new way of looking at the story. That's in fact something you guys seems to hate, how many time was my background and experience laughed at/deligitimized/insulted ? Sigh..

Always remember that the one who have always insulted others here are you guys (as a group), not me.

From the beginning of my presence here, you guys have been actually using toxicity/insults/gaslighting/lies/manipulation of words to transform/deligitimize my words and arguments while the thing I was doing was explaining more and more in detail my point to make it understandable.

A objective observer would see that instantly. Sadly, we are not in such a configuration. So, all I can do is continue my pedagogy, explain my arguments with as much detail as possible in the hope that one day, one or more of you will go back to objectivity and see that what I say from the beginning is actually perfectly logical.
Gaslighting us in the same post where you accuse us of gaslighting you. Classic Carrot4nakama.