Who will be the next SH?

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Robin was a crew member after alabasta. I honestly don’t get your point here.
She's anything but crew before Enies Lobby (at least by SH standard and the norm they value the most). She fight not on the name of crew. She fight for herself and her principal/passion like any other SH before joining officially. Even her important role to reach one piece as archeolog just newly established at Zou.
She's anything but crew before Enies Lobby (at least by SH standard and the norm they value the most). She fight not on the name of crew. She fight for herself and her principal/passion like any other SH before joining officially. Even her important role to reach one piece as archeolog just newly established at Zou.
She was named a crewmate post alabasta. Her role was showcased immediately afterwards and she was taken in water 7 because she was accepted as a crewmate previously.

Robins first fight as a straw hat was Yama.
The moment I saw Stussy I know she must've been on bad side aka Blackbeard 10th Titanic Captain. I won't judge Oda but BB crew lack women to go against SH cause I know Nami and Robin won't fight men. It doesn't have to be Stussy but I had it long on my mind that BB will need another woman. What a coincidence Stussy is here with "bad bitch" fruit. Female creature that associated with blood and darkness.
Yeah, she's probably the 10th TC or at least affiliated with BB crew. She's here to steal the Seraphims and other weapons to supply BB. At least that's what I hope.
Don't worry guys Stussy is not 10th titanic captain for one reason that's so far consistent with BB pirates. She's beatiful and they are all ugly. It's their theme and I doubt that will change ( Kuzan is obviously there for some secret reason so I don't think consider him a real BB pirate )

:funky::funky: stussy nakama :steef:


We already have the last crewmate
But wouldn´t Oda got problems with copyright and stuff if he really draws @Pot Goblin ? :wonderland:

I´m not too enthusiastic about getting a new nakama now that late into the story but out of the remaining candidates Stussy would get my OK. She´s a smooth vampire and her and Robin in her demon form could make the "demonic duo" or something :catrude:

Plus, guys, I figured an important thing out:
Nami = redhead / ginger
Robin = dark haired / black
Stussy = blonde

So, as you realize, it would be like Charlie´s Angels, this time it´s Luffy´s Angels! But they will go by a different name, they will be called The Husbando Sisters! :kuzanshut:
Don't worry guys Stussy is not 10th titanic captain for one reason that's so far consistent with BB pirates. She's beatiful and they are all ugly. It's their theme and I doubt that will change ( Kuzan is obviously there for some secret reason so I don't think consider him a real BB pirate )

:funky::funky: stussy nakama :steef:
Her "vampire" DF is probably what makes her current appearance. She look like exactly like Bakkin without it. :madmonk: