Who will be the next Strawhat

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So, if the raid's almost over, how are they gonna make Yamato interesting and actually have her have any kind of dynamic with the crew? I've been waiting all arc for her moment where she really *clicks* and works as a character I want to see more of.

"Man, I can't wait for Yamato to set sail with crew, I really hope we get to see more of this character. She has such a strong personality, and interesting faults". Still none of that.

Is she gonna have her big moment crammed in the party/celebration part of Wano? At this point in Thriller Bark, Brook came into his own with his own aspirations we want to see come true (he's a great comparison piece to Yamato, Brook has an annoying gag but also has an interesting motivation to boot as well as strong moments, Yamato is just the gag, and she doesn't even really do that anymore. Just a bargain-bin Speedwagon who just repeats information going on back to the reader)
I try to be respectful when I can, but your logic is so poor that it's difficult sometimes. When we're just chatting in PMs you aren't spouting nonesense. TBH I'd prefer to keep our interactions in PMs at this point. I don't see any point in us continuing to argue about Carrot vs Yamato, and I'd like to stay on good terms. You're a nice guy, I just disagree very strongly with your takes.
Only for those who don't care to take what I say into consideration is my logic flowed.

On that point I'm very clear: Carrot has been change by her adventure. She was amazed by it and she still is. Meaning that to change back to a girl who doesn't want adventure anymore, Carrot needs to be presented a good reason in the opposite direction. That's a basic storytelling rule and you should know it already. I don't even understand why you are fighting this point.

There isn't anything important about being defeated by the someone who you accuse of killing your mentor
Yes there is, read between the lines my dear. Go read that panel again.

So, if the raid's almost over, how are they gonna make Yamato interesting and actually have her have any kind of dynamic with the crew? I've been waiting all arc for her moment where she really *clicks* and works as a character I want to see more of.

"Man, I can't wait for Yamato to set sail with crew, I really hope we get to see more of this character. She has such a strong personality, and interesting faults". Still none of that.

Is she gonna have her big moment crammed in the party/celebration part of Wano? At this point in Thriller Bark, Brook came into his own with his own aspirations we want to see come true (he's a great comparison piece to Yamato, Brook has an annoying gag but also has an interesting motivation to boot as well as strong moments, Yamato is just the gag, and she doesn't even really do that anymore. Just a bargain-bin Speedwagon who just repeats information going on back to the reader)
I've been screaming that for dayz.. no one is listening at this point..
least you agree withthe fact that noone can do the same job ;)

What is Yamato's role again ? oh !! that's right ! None.
I was being sarcastic 😕 and Carrot still hasn't shown any better lookout skills than Usopp in Dressora 😭 The whole role in the crew isn't important as you think it is 😭 like look at whitebeard crew and roger pirates where did it show that role was important? Other than being a doctor, a cook, a ship repairer, a navigator, and someone who can sail properly 😭😭 Anyone can be a lookout on a ship it's isn't something Oda states is a problem in one piece, especially with SHs pirates 👀
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she can, simple logic. Perospero is a 700 M Bounty and Carrot and the advantage in SUlong with wanda, so you divide the bounty and strenght per 2 and you get a 350/500 bounty range. Simple.. Well at least for me.
Carrot doesn't even show a sign that she can defeat a tobi roppo and u think still she has a choice against 300 million bounty pirates 😕
Carrot still hasn't shown any better lookout skills than Usopp in Dressora 😭 The whole role in the crew isn't important as you think it i
She has, in whole cake. But Carrot is not just a LookOut, she is a sentry, something a bit advanced ;)

Anyone can be a lookout on a ship it's isn't something
Not like Carrot ;) But I guess you will never be able to understand that

Carrot doesn't even show a sign that she can defeat a tobi roppo and u think still she has a choice against 300 million bounty pirates
If you have proof that she can't beat a Tobbi Roppo, go ahead
Carrot is a normal mink in term of race, she is just special in term of storytelling.. but you guyz are failling to understand that.. what else are you failling to see ... hm ..

Oh yes.. that Yamato don't have any relationship with the strawhat.. gonna be hard to join the crew.. oh ?!.. no role either.. double the difficulty.. huh ? No real moral Pillar ? oh boy... it's starting to get hard...
I've been reading and watching one piece I haven't seen anything that links to carrot being special in the story look how Oda did with Bigmom and the giants, Kaido Yamato, and the Onis, King, and The Lunarian, Jinbe and The Fishmans that is what oda should do with the minks and carrot.

Where u go again with “Haven't met the crew” and bundles of bullshit where carrot doesn't even have and own for herself alone and look at Jimbe and brook who doesn't have a moral pillar but still joins 🤔
The only thing that your bunny girl has over Yamato is that she already met the crews and is friends with them that's alone nothing else Yamato can also be a lookout too because unlike carrot she has an observation Haki so let's not go there okay 🙃.
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She has, in whole cake. But Carrot is not just a LookOut, she is a sentry, something a bit advanced ;)
Carrot can't even do what Usopp does in Dressora which is seeing things through the cracks and more give me a panel with carrot being a better lookout than Usopp who has one of the best lookouts feats in One Piece story itself 👀
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like Carrot ;) But I guess you will never be able to understand that
I haven't seen anything from a carrot that no one else can't do so try again everyone in the crew can do what the carrot does so what makes her looking at something so difficult that they need her? 😕🤔
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you have proof that she can't beat a Tobbi Roppo, go ahead
The Proof is already in the manga and going to be in the anime soon they are not someone that a simple electricity can bring them down 😕 remember they are ancient zoan dinosaurs 😭u do think a moon raid will be enough to put them down? Not to mention they all have haki too 👀
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Momo has more chances than Yamato. Yamato's chances are so above Carrot's that it's not even funny anymore.
The only thing they can use to help carrot is that she met the crew already 😕 nothing else Meanwhile Yamato has everything to be a strawhats the way Oda keeps giving her character moments and shines not to mention that her backstory hasn't been finished yet 👀.
The only thing they can use to help carrot is that she met the crew already 😕 nothing else Meanwhile Yamato has everything to be a strawhats the way Oda keeps giving her character moments and shines not to mention that her backstory hasn't been finished yet 👀.
Remember Brook? He only met half of the strawhats at first.
And in the end of tb he joined and while at the gravesite with Zoro he was like "yo btw I'm your crew member now " and Zoro had no idea.
The only thing they can use to help carrot is that she met the crew already 😕 nothing else
There are plenty more things but you don't care to check so it's hard for you to see that.. lmao

Remember Brook? He only met half of the strawhats at first.
In the first 3 minutes dude.. this is uncomparable to Yamato who only met Franky during the WHOLE fight

bounty doesn't work like that tho
A bit yes tho.
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