Who will be the next Strawhat

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Man i can't believe how some people still don't understand oda's story.

Whether they truly believe it or not, or use it as a excuse- the emphasis that Yamato and Momonosuke are somehow fated to be together or that she will follow him is simply not true in any sense.

The real reason Oda had Momo interact with Yamato and have them work together during the raid is due to multiple reasons and none of them have anything to do with Yamato wanting to follow Momo.

1. Sweet irony- Orochi who was under the guise of a loyal servant of Oden's father, betrayed their trust after getting the Shogun title from Oden. Yamato- daughter of kaido who was an ally of Orochi at the time of his betrayal, is betrayed by his own daughter and switches sides to the very side he helped in destroying.

2. You are his son, but you are not your father- Yamato is strong like her father, but she doesn't share his desire of wanting her to rule Wano. Momo is royalty like his father Oden, but he does not have the same admiration and raw strength, therefore he must rely on other means to live up to his fathers' expectation and legacy, through humility and perseverance.

3. Future generations will succeed where older generations failed, aka inherited will - Momo will succeed where Oden failed by being the Shogun that Oden never was and couldn't become. Yamato will join the new Pirate King's crew and find the One Piece where Kaido and his old crew and captain failed and could never achieve, namely the Rock's Pirates and Kaido's Beast Pirates. Oden was never a good ruler, but his son will be, clearing Oden's name. Kaido will never reach Laugh Tale and find the One Piece but her daughter will. In this sense, both Oden and Kaido will have their desires fulfilled somewhat, just not by themselves, but by their children.

4. Crossroads of fate- Momo bringing Luffy to Wano allows Yamato to finally meet Ace's brother- giving her the chance to join Luffy's crew and leave Wano, Momo meeting Yamato gave him support in a critical time where neither his father Oden, nor his loyal retainer Kinemon was no longer around to support him in his time of need of finally overthrowing Kaido and claiming the title of Shogun.

So while Yamato and Momo crossed paths and met each other, they walk different paths and have different end goals, therefore they were never meant to walk together.

If you can't understand at least this much, then i can't take seriously your arguments of Yamato joining as Momo's loyal follower and not Luffy's crew.
Reminder that Luffy literally said "I hate you" to Robin and then accepted her immediately when she invited herself onto the crew.
What do you mean? Luffy would never allow someone to force themselves on his crew without his invitation first. Robin even told him to "Take responsibility", which clearly goes against his conqueror's will of making his recruit submit.

As you can see as well, some crewmates disapprove of the thought-to-be enemy suddenly asking to join. Robin is definitely not joining the SHs.

I do know the pages to Laugh Tale were torn. And sure, Momo could ask Yamato to represent Wano in finding out what's on Laugh Tale if it relates to opening Wano. BUT...that all depends on if Luffy wants Yamato as a crewmate.

To reiterate, it doesn't matter what Momo nor Yamato want when it comes to the Strawhats.
Really? Okay.

*reads statement*

Well I addressed your point about the possibility of Momo and Yamato interacting after Momo's speech since the Strawhats don't have the Wano Road Poneglyph copy as of now. So Yamato can be present when Momo, Hiyori, and the retainers show the Road Poneglyph to the Strawhats. After all, "Yamato is a Strawhat" to most here so should be present since no actual parting has happened. The Strawhats are still in Wano. You made it seem like the Strawhats will not see Momo after the speech.

Good point. So wouldn't it make sense for the pairing to continue?

So you're saying Momo not wanting to open Wano's borders now may give Yamato a task to do with the Strawhats to help solve that matter? That's a fair take but the opposite may be had with Yamato staying in Wano with its borders closed to help protect Wano while it rebuilds and regroups. Wano has to rebuild 20 years worth of damage. Not going to happen overnight.

No it is not. There is nothing stated that Hiyori could be Shogun. That was pure speculation.

Oda wrote those words of doubt for Jinbe to say. And as I originally stated, Luffy never acknowledged Yamato initially stating to Luffy about riding on Sunny. Luffy was more concerned about correcting Yamato not being Kozuki Oden.

I do believe Yamato will eventually go out to sea and have adventures but those adventures don't have to be with the Strawhats.
You are making it seem that Yamato is going back on her word. She is not interested in serving under momo as a character. Having a character claiming themselves as oden throughout wano would be inappropriate for the people in wano. Especially the new shogun of wano, his sister and his father's former followers. Do you not believe that people would put her into mental asylum for saying that she is oden? Do you not believe that citizens might see that something is wrong with this person? I understand Yamato help throughout the raid was with momo for a while. However, a lot of the citizens have no idea who Yamato is. The samurai who fought in the raid only know her as Kaido's son. Yamato would still feel like an outcast among the wano citizens and the samurai. They will only see her as kaido's descendant with mental problem rather than her own character.

Her journey alongside with the strawhats could give her a sense of her own self-discovery and her own purpose in life. She can still do the task that momo could not do, and what oden did not finish. If wano needs to be rebuild you have otama's devil fruit servants that can rebuild the country for momo. If luffy makes wano his territory it is going to be protected by his allies. You are just making the same argument that fans had use against Franky and Jimbei for them not to join the crew. Yamato has already told us she is more interested in going on adventure and serving under Luffy. It is clear she does not want to take over her father's organization or stay alongside with momo. She will get bounty alongside strawhats and their alliance since she had collaborated alongside with them throughout the raid. Not only that both sanji and Jimbei have said, in this arc luffy needs to reserve his energy against the main threat that could be something incredibly significant in the future events in the Story and knowing that there are three admirals and three commanders under a Yonko. You are going to need someone as strong as Yamato to fight a commander and admiral. As well knowing the fact that robin is only person who could read poneglaphs beside the third eye tribe she is going be target by a lot of people. She is going need to be in safe hands by her friends/crew members.
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You are making it seem that Yamato is going back on her word. She is not interested in serving under momo as a character. Having a character claiming themselves as oden throughout wano would be inappropriate for the people in wano. Especially the new shogun of wano, his sister and his father's former followers. Do you not believe that people would put her into mental asylum for saying that she is oden? Do you not believe that citizen might see that something is wrong with this person? I understand Yamato help throughout the raid was with momo for a while. However, a lot of the citizen have no idea who Yamato is. The samurai who fought in the raid only know her as Kaido's son. Yamato would still feel like outcast among the wano citizen. They will only see her as kaido's descendant with mental problem. Rather than her own character.

Her journey alongside with the strawhats could give her a sense of her own self-discovery and her own purpose in life. She can still do the task that momo could not do, and what oden did not finish. If wano needs to be rebuild you have otama's devil fruit servants that can rebuild the country for momo. If luffy makes wano his territory it is going to be protected by his allies. You are just making the same argument that fans had use against Franky and Jimbei for them not to join the crew. Yamato has already told us she is more interested in going on adventure and serving under Luffy. It is clear she does not want to take over her father's organization or stay alongside with momo. She will get bounty alongside strawhats and their alliance since she had collaborated alongside with them throughout the raid. Not only that both sanji and Jimbei have said, in this arc luffy needs to reserve his energy against the main threat that could be something incredibly significant in the future events in the Story and knowing that there are three admirals and three commanders under a Yonko. You are going to need someone as strong as Yamato to fight a commander and admiral. As well knowing the fact that robin is only person who could read poneglaphs beside the third eye tribe she is going be target by a lot of people. She is going need to be in safe hands by her friends/crew members.
Let's stop pretending as if he was ever sincere in believing Yamato staying with Momo would be in the best interest for her or is more likely to happen, and not just him wanting Yamato to not join the crew however possible because even he knows its inevitable.


The only thing left that he can do now is cope.

So reading the Yamato celebration in this thread was an experience to say the least. But...what has really changed? Yamato made another claim to riding with Luffy but actually said it to Luffy's crewmates instead of Luffy or Kaido (can't recall if Yamato said it to anyone else). Is that really enough for a character who hasn't even established an actual ship role or a dream with a definitive end goal? Being "free like Oden" needs more context. Oden was given a purpose as the key for Roger and crew to get to Laugh Tale. Yamato's purpose is... what?

Reviewing the reasons why I see Yamato as a questionable crewmate candidate:
  1. Yamato declared to Luffy about boarding the Sunny in initial stage of raid (because of Ace connection logic) yet Luffy did not even engage in said announcement.
  2. Also from same page, Yamato claims to be Kozuki Oden yet Luffy disagrees. Not a personality trait Luffy cares for in Yamato.
  3. Luffy refuses to call Yamato by name but instead as Yamao which is against Yamato's request. Will Luffy eventually say Yamato as he does with his crewmates?
  4. Momonosuke and Yamato share parallels/connections with physical age, fathers, and Wano. Why did Oda put that much thought in connecting the two?
  5. Yamato spent more time interacting with Momo than Luffy or any other ally. Maybe even more interaction than Kaido. Why not have Yamato focus on Strawhat crewmate interactions rather than interactions with Momo?
  6. RED FLAG ALERT!!! (Not X Drake reference heh) A missed opportunity for character development was how Yamato would have reacted with fake Oden Kanjuro. Add that if Yamato would have stayed with Momo and Shinobu instead of getting anxious to fight then Yamato would have met Kin'emon, Kiku, Kanjuro, AND fought Kaido faster. Kin and Kiku could have supported Yamato against Kaido and may not have been injured as badly. Oda purposely made sure Yamato avoided this set up. Why?
  7. First long interaction with SH crew outside of Luffy is at/near the end of the arc. Previously had a short interaction with Franky, missed opportunity with Robin and Brook, and Jinbe wondering who was stalling Kaido. Not typical from other Strawhats recruitment arcs. Most refused Luffy's recruitment for various reasons and interacted with other SH crewmates during their recruitment arc. Exceptions were Usopp claiming joining would mean Usopp should be the captain lol and Robin claiming Luffy had to take responsibility for letting her live. Both left the crew later (plus Nami and Sanji) to be let back in. Yamato fitting an exception needs merit I don't see.
  8. Yamato declares to SH crewmates about boarding the Sunny (as both Kozuki Oden and Yamato) without approval from Luffy the captain. Concedes this fact when Jinbe brings it up. Why would Oda make Yamato's self invitation questionable?
I'm waiting to see when Luffy wakes up if he will accept Yamato's claim as a Strawhat. At first I didn't see why Luffy would refuse Yamato but for Luffy to say yes even though never actually recruiting Yamato in the slightest would be odd in the sense that Luffy would be submitting to Yamato's will of joining instead of Yamato submitting to or rather following Luffy's will of recruitment. They both have Conquerors Haki but Luffy's should take precedent being the main character.

Also curious how Yamato will interact with Shogun Kozuki Momonosuke face to face. There is bound to be a conversation between the two with Momo thanking Yamato for protecting and supporting Momo through the raid. With Wano lacking manpower Momo may recruit Yamato. IMO, Momonosuke needs Yamato more than Luffy needs/wants Yamato.
it doesn’t matter how much you write. She is joining
And in the end the biggest copium would be “Yamato will die” or “Carrot will sneak again”


Carrot ships back to Zou
Yamato sneaks in


Its been a three year fight against Carrot stans
And we win :joker:I don't like Yamato, but seeing such a stupid fucking character join above Carrot just makes me happy

Like a special slap to the face to Carrot stans
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