Sorry, what exactly do you think Carrot's dream will be? The Dawn, yes? Which would be... her getting to Laugh Tale, using Robin's information to find out why Zunisha is wandering and what the Mink's relation to the VC is, and then using that the future of the tribe (basically, Jinbei's dream as well?)
Likely something
relating to seeing the world though. We've yet to go to Elbaf, seems unlikely since it hasn't been mentioned in forever but there is also the Emerald City. These would seem like the perfect islands out of a fantasy novel for Carrot to journey to. We've already seen her take an interest in Giants and she was already given the lowdown on the situation in Elbaf regarding the giants, meme, Lola and Loki.
And he has advisors. Basically everyone in the Wano side of alliance can advise Momo. The loss of Kine'mon in a trip to better Wano would not be a catastrophic end to Momonosuke's ambitions.
What would Kin emon do on this trip? He isn't a Kozuki. He doesn't know how to read or write on ponegliffs, unlike Robin who can actually decipher them and is close to finishing, having acquired 3 of the 4 road ponegliffs by the end of this arc. He's not like Oden who had an actual means of achieving a dream and laying the foundations for what's to come.
She would be the Kaya/Franky Family/Nojiko/Laboon and so on character. Someone for Kine'mon to come back to.
Fair enough. But just funny considering how meaningful the relationship between the characters you listed and their respective straw hats has been stressed and elaborated on, in comparison to Kin emon and Tsuru lol. As if it's irrelevant to build on since they'll be together anyway. Ain't no one anxiously anticipating the reunion of Kin emon and Tsuru.
Uh huh
And having his best man on a foreign pirate crew that will end up saving and changing the world is not doing things on his own, or isolating the country. Quite the opposite.
How will he end up saving and changing the world? How will he even begin to end up saving and changing the world? That's not even comparing it to offering advice to an 8 year old as the no.1 retainer that has experience and knowledge in the field.
Maybe Pedro's death came as a shock to her. Have we actually seen her jabber about how she loves adventure since then?
Anyway, she can want to adventure all she wants. Fact is, Luffy's never gave the slightest inclination that he would consider her a crewmate. Friend, yes, crewmate, no.
Yes, we have. To suggest she'd randomly decide "yup, I've had enough". Is nothing but head cannon.
We can wait for the two of them to have a meaningful interaction, like Carrot has had with other members of the crew. I think it's more likely that Carrot asks to join than the other way around either way. Luffy isn't exactly the sort of guy that would turn her down considering she's been living with them for weeks, even having fought 2 yonko together with her. It's not like she's bringing shit tons of baggage with her like the fleet commanders, all seven of them + wanting to bring their entire crews. Carrot can literally just join up, exactly like she's been doing this whole time.
I think it is an absolutely gargantuan leap of logic to take the Oden flashback and apply that in any way to Carrot.
Zou is not Wano. It does not have a strict isolationist policy. Nothing was actually stopping Carrot from going to sea- plenty of Minks have done it. Oden leaving Wano was a huge deal because no Wano person had left, let alone the heir presumptive, since the Shimotsuki ran away years earlier. They had actual laws against it. Carrot left and the reaction was basically a shrug of "oh well, what's done is done." There's nothing unique about a Mink going to sea- Inu and Neko did it, the Nox Pirates was made entirely of Minks, Bepo's done it, all the Guardians seem to have went with Neko and the Musketeers have came with Inu.
Zou is very similar to Wano. It may not be as strict as Wano, but it is certainly an isolated country. Sharing the same features as Wano in having natural forces making entrance to the islands very difficult via currents etc.
Whilst Wano did have a strict policy against leaving, the majority of the fuss was because he was the son of the Shogun. Carrot was just a musketeer. Both were individuals that had been stuck on their island of birth for their entire life and were cut off from the outside world which they longed to adventure. And both snuck away to sea, specifically to pursue that adventure.
Eh? They went to sea in the first place, before they even met Oden, for literally the exact same reason as Carrot. They were even saying the same stuff.
Inu and Neko only went in pursuit of Wano because they were curious about the pact made between the Kozuki and the minks. That's different from Oden and Carrot who set sail for the sake of adventure itself.
Except she has been dropped off for most of Wano. And we haven't actually seen yet where her, Wanda and the two other Musketeers have went after getting off the Sunny. Based on what happened with the Jinbei party, she won't be with the Strawhats though- it was very noticeable that she sat back in the Sunny when the actual Strawhats were fighting and preparing to welcome a crewmate.
You mean she sat back when the actual straw hats were toasting Jinbe into the crew, because they were actual official members...Meanwhile she was all over the scene during their reunion when all of the straw hats finally got back together for the very first time in ages.
It's very likely the Inuarashi musketeers are already back with the mink faction. Wanda's the only one that might stay. But even then that would only be to support Carrot's role with the crew since she's unarguably a less important figure.