THere is only one fact in One Piece, and it is the story.. So you are right to take me back on this. I shouldn't talk about proof, I should talk about the most "accurate analysis possible"
You guyz are not analysing the story. You are taking made up rules and try to make you vision of the story concure with those rules.
In reality, the story doesn't work that way.
And that's what I was talking about when I explained this:
You guyz are not functionning rationnally.
Why do you think I created all those concepts and tools to analyse the story ?
Because my vision of the story, in other word: the theory, wasn't in adequation with reality. With the old rules, Carrot shouldn't have been portrayed like that, according to those rules, CArrot should already have a backstory by now, according to those ancient rules, Carrot should have had a talk with Luffy..
.. but this never happened.. When there was everything else. And this was therefore a unique situation. Carrot wasn't constructed like any character, she was out of ALL the boxes created by Oda. We had here a unexplained reality and rules that didn't apply to explain it. Just like a geocentric model couldn't explain the movement of certain planets... the ancient rules can't explain some weird and recent event in the story.
That's why I went deeper. That's why I deconstructed those rules. That's why I can now say that a backstory is not a necessity anymore.
Everything I'm analysing, points to Carrot, but it doesn't mean that everything is pointing to her. Like I said, there is still a tiny little chances that Oda will make a complete twist out of her.
But I've analysed all the possible outcomes:
Coming back to Zou would neglect Carrot's characterization
Sailing the see alone would neglect the fact that she was never introduced as a leader
Being killed would only confirm the myth and a ressurection
Being captured would send the strawhat toward her and make her come anyway
Staying in Wano wouldn't make sence as Carrotwas never shown being amazed by the island
Sailing with the fleet is impossible as the fleet won't grow
All of those are pointing to nothingness, a narrative void, a narrative nonsence.
Only 1 way made perfect sence.