Questions & Mysteries Oda confirms Emperor title > Bigger bounty, WGS + Marine Hunter titles

If the bounties are legit, is Crocodile above average YC1s like Katakuri and Alber?

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I´m pretty sure this was just a retcon.
You mean Oda showed BB bounty being 2.2 Bil while he already showed the bounties of the other Yonkos at 4, 4.4 and 4.6 Bil and even the PK ish 5 and 5.5 Bil bounties but then decided that BB needs an upgrade to 3.9 Bil? You do understand that Oda made such a big mistake for probably his FV that he was comparing him to other Yonkos but didnt think about the bounty he was handing out to BB while also explaining why these guys are getting the bounties they are getting?
You mean Oda showed BB bounty being 2.2 Bil while he already showed the bounties of the other Yonkos at 4, 4.4 and 4.6 Bil and even the PK ish 5 and 5.5 Bil bounties but then decided that BB needs an upgrade to 3.9 Bil? You do understand that Oda made such a big mistake for probably his FV that he was comparing him to other Yonkos but didnt think about the bounty he was handing out to BB while also explaining why these guys are getting the bounties they are getting?
I have no idea what he was thinking, but I don´t think an in universe explanation exists for a 1.7 billion increase
I have no idea what he was thinking, but I don´t think an in universe explanation exists for a 1.7 billion increase
Maybe it doesnt but narratively it does imo. Bounties increase over time due to achievements and specially matter when compared directly by the author. Shanks was a Yonko for only 6 years hence his bounty is lower than Kaido and BM who had been for decades as per BMs own words. BB became a Yonko only 1-2 years back but his rise is meteoric. He went from unknown (maybe 0) to 2.2 and then 3.9 Bil to show that in this current stage he is almost equal to Shanks at 4 Bil. Luffy went from 500 Mil to 1.5 Bil to 3 Bil. Law and Kid went from ~500 Mil to 3 Bil. BB has way more narrative importance than Law and Kid combined so if they can get 2.5 Bil jump and get an overinflated bounty then BB can easily get 1.7 Bil bounty more accurate bounty.
Maybe it doesnt but narratively it does imo. Bounties increase over time due to achievements and specially matter when compared directly by the author. Shanks was a Yonko for only 6 years hence his bounty is lower than Kaido and BM who had been for decades as per BMs own words. BB became a Yonko only 1-2 years back but his rise is meteoric. He went from unknown (maybe 0) to 2.2 and then 3.9 Bil to show that in this current stage he is almost equal to Shanks at 4 Bil. Luffy went from 500 Mil to 1.5 Bil to 3 Bil. Law and Kid went from ~500 Mil to 3 Bil. BB has way more narrative importance than Law and Kid combined so if they can get 2.5 Bil jump and get an overinflated bounty then BB can easily get 1.7 Bil bounty more accurate bounty.
Sure, but he should have just had 3.9 at the start of the timeskip.
Sure, but he should have just had 3.9 at the start of the timeskip.
I can understand that since most of his shown achievements to us readers are during the TS then he should get that 3.9 Bil from the get go. But from the authors perspective BB is a rising threat who has become a Yonko for only 1-2 years. Him being so close to the golden boy Shanks bounty is not good. To show BB as the rising threat he needs to keep getting bounty rises but without hitting the ceiling too quickly. If you start at 3.9 Bil then the next rise might push him over Kaido etc. which is most likely not Odas intention.
I can understand that since most of his shown achievements to us readers are during the TS then he should get that 3.9 Bil from the get go. But from the authors perspective BB is a rising threat who has become a Yonko for only 1-2 years. Him being so close to the golden boy Shanks bounty is not good. To show BB as the rising threat he needs to keep getting bounty rises but without hitting the ceiling too quickly. If you start at 3.9 Bil then the next rise might push him over Kaido etc. which is most likely not Odas intention.
You could maybe justify it after egghead where they beat up laws crew and captured Garp, but at the start of the arc? Bro, I have no idea
That doesnt make sense though
Yami BB fights and defeats Ace and then becomes Warlord
He raids ID, gets extra crew, goes to MF, gets Gura
Time skip starts
He then takes on WB territory and wins Payback War
Rocky Port incident happens
Time skip ends
Aokiji is allied with BB (was done during TS but this is latest)
Ten titanic captains confirmed in DR
BBPs raid Baltigo
Wano starts (Reverie is going on I think at same time)
Shanks talks about certain pirate (BB or maybe Loki)
Wano Act 2 happens and we get bounties of Yonkos
BB gets 2.2-2.3 Bil bounty
Wano ends
Post wano we get BB's new bounty of 3.9 Bil

The point is that powerscaling wise it makes no sense for 40 year old BB who got two DFs in MF and everybody saw it to go from 2.2 Bil to 3.9 bil bounty. He already did so much during the TS and pre Wano Act 3 that his power level should be clear for everyone. The Yami teach to Emperor Teach power level was already established when he went from someone hiding behind WB and no known bounty to getting 2.2 Bil direct bounty during or after Reverie.

We saw how Emperors are being made, Luffy gets touted as an Emperor after WCI but we get confirmation that that is not what an Emperor level is, sure he has alliances and achievements but his power level is not enough (BB talks about how it is too soon, Kaido one shots him, Shanks remarks that time of their meeting is coming near meaning Luffy is getting there but hasnt reached the point). We see BB becoming Emperor with his never before seen two DFs (a special Logia and the strongest Paramecia) and beating WBPs and taking over their territory. We see Buggy becoming Yonko because he has Mihawk and Crocodile under him and being seen as Shanks rival.

Luffy gets his bounty as one of three captains to take down the Kaido-BM alliance but he is also the only one of the three to be called a Yonko because he has that bigger resume compared to the other two. To the outside world they only know that SN trio took down BM and Kaido, the details are missing.
Yeah, so it depends on whether it’s confirmed whether BB did do something tangible (which I don’t rule out) in the time the strawhats were in Wano. But if it turns out BB didn’t do anything much (there’s nothing hinting towards it for now other than the bounty) then my guess would be 2.2B was just oda’s way of telling us the ballpark of Yami Teach’s threat level and 3.9B is EmperorTeach’s threat level. Again, I could be wrong with new details being revealed in the future but if there’s nothing shown then that will be my guess behind the sudden bounty increase. Maybe oda realised he didn’t focus on Teach in the post war arc as much as he should have so he just decided to add the Yami Teach bounty detail post timeskip so it also coincided with him becoming Yonko which saved oda some time
Yeah, so it depends on whether it’s confirmed whether BB did do something tangible (which I don’t rule out) in the time the strawhats were in Wano. But if it turns out BB didn’t do anything much (there’s nothing hinting towards it for now other than the bounty) then my guess would be 2.2B was just oda’s way of telling us the ballpark of Yami Teach’s threat level and 3.9B is EmperorTeach’s threat level. Again, I could be wrong with new details being revealed in the future but if there’s nothing shown then that will be my guess behind the sudden bounty increase. Maybe oda realised he didn’t focus on Teach in the post war arc as much as he should have so he just decided to add the Yami Teach bounty detail post timeskip so it also coincided with him becoming Yonko which saved oda some time
I already explained above how none of that makes any sense.
Because nothing he did justifies a 1.7 billion increase
Why not?
- Payback war , Fought Whitebeard remnants
- Law and Coby Hachinosu Incident
- Established an entire Grand fleet under him

Which resulted in 2.2 B.

Now ,
- Kidnapped Coby and
- Aokiji under his wing
- invaded and Defeated Boa Hancock
- Went to revolutionary Location and made them flee.
- Fought Seraphims

Though Aokiji under his wing is the biggest brownie point.
Bounty = threat to government.

Emperors might not be the biggest threat to government thats why they don't need to have biggest bounties. Just like Dragon having bigger bounty than Emperors, not because power level because of the threat to government.

Teach proved his strength as Emperor but his threat level to Government wasn't high as others at the time thus was only 2.2 billion.

Emperor title is related to strength not biggest bounty.

Thats why they think Buggy > Mihawk but Mihawk has bigger bounty, bigger threat to Government because Mihawk was the first Marine Hunter they know, similar to Dragon being first Revolutionary then Ivankov and Sabo joined, Buggy and Croc started to Marine Hunting after Mihawk.
Bounty = threat to government.

Emperors might not be the biggest threat to government thats why they don't need to have biggest bounties. Just like Dragon having bigger bounty than Emperors, not because power level because of the threat to government.

Teach proved his strength as Emperor but his threat level to Government wasn't high as others at the time thus was only 2.2 billion.

Emperor title is related to strength not biggest bounty.

Thats why they think Buggy > Mihawk but Mihawk has bigger bounty, bigger threat to Government because Mihawk was the first Marine Hunter they know, similar to Dragon being first Revolutionary then Ivankov and Sabo joined, Buggy and Croc started to Marine Hunting after Mihawk.
No, that doesn't work
Yes it does.... because he's part of the crew
Kuzan doesn't even have a bounty yet lol
1. We don't know that
2. Him having bounty or not doesn't stop the fact that he officially became a member around end of Wano with kidnapping Pudding right when BB got his increase
The Marines should only know post egghead
....the fuck?
He kidnapped Pudding way before Egghead, how should they only know post Egghead?