Current Events Oda reinforces the suspicion that WG war is not the finale

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  • Battle for One Piece

  • Battle for World governance

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Kitetsu Wanker
Chapter 1121 has brought us an "EPIC" double spread which is basically a map of future events:

Oda has clarified in the past what One Piece was all about - about overcoming the 4 Emperors.
It was stated in an interview when he said that he never planned the 7 Warlords and that they are a result of the story expanding...

Back to the double spread from 1121, this is basically a list of Oda's priorities.
The battle between the 4 Emperors is on the top and taking up majority of the double spread, signifying the greatest importance.
Which is in line with his statement that the show is about overcoming the Yonkos.

The battle against the World Government, which is taking a smaller portion of the double spread, despite more characters, is secondary to Yonko battle over the One Piece. He further reinforces the pecking order of plotlines by saying >It all depends on the one who claims the One Piece!

Interestingly, these two plotlines have very little in common.

The battle over the ultimate treasure is nearly without connection with the battle over who gets to decide what Justice is...
The Justice fighters are also all uninterested in One Piece itself, other than WG not wanting it to be found...
Just like all Emperors are uninterested in being the new WG, other than Blackbeard Pirates.

Certainly, Strawhats or Luffy alone(just like in Marineford), will somehow stumble into this WG war but the true final part of the show starts when WG war ends.
Strawhats themselves have very little motivation in this battle of many factions while they are heavily invested in the PK race.
As Oda said, the show ends once the treasure is found aka WG war is not the Final War that many expect it to be.
Chapter 1121 has brought us an "EPIC" double spread which is basically a map of future events:

Oda has clarified in the past what One Piece was all about - about overcoming the 4 Emperors.
It was stated in an interview when he said that he never planned the 7 Warlords and that they are a result of the story expanding...

Back to the double spread from 1121, this is basically a list of Oda's priorities.
The battle between the 4 Emperors is on the top and taking up majority of the double spread, signifying the greatest importance.
Which is in line with his statement that the show is about overcoming the Yonkos.

The battle against the World Government, which is taking a smaller portion of the double spread, despite more characters, is secondary to Yonko battle over the One Piece. He further reinforces the pecking order of plotlines by saying >It all depends on the one who claims the One Piece!

Interestingly, these two plotlines have very little in common.

The battle over the ultimate treasure is nearly without connection with the battle over who gets to decide what Justice is...
The Justice fighters are also all uninterested in One Piece itself, other than WG not wanting it to be found...
Just like all Emperors are uninterested in being the new WG, other than Blackbeard Pirates.

Certainly, Strawhats or Luffy alone(just like in Marineford), will somehow stumble into this WG war but the true final part of the show starts when WG war ends.
Strawhats themselves have very little motivation in this battle of many factions while they are heavily invested in the PK race.
As Oda said, the show ends once the treasure is found aka WG war is not the Final War that many expect it to be.
Oda said in a SBS finding the OP is not the end game. Imu is probably the final villain, he wasn't revealed yet. The one piece will definitely bring to light the shady side of the WG to the public eye
More nations will revolt. Pirates will attack Marines more often. A big pirate alliance might be born to fight the WG. I think the revolutionaries will be the ones to first launch a full scale attack on Mariejoa. Luffy might go there for Sabo, Ivankov and Dragon too.
This entire story is about unfolding the true history of the void century and bringing down the tyranny of the Celestial Dragons. Luffy even got gifted a liberator god DF for this purpose. Final Battle will take place in Mariejoa and Marineford.
Vegapunk Message literally Confirmed that WG aren't Final War
Just check every Kingdom visited by Straw Hats,

Drum Kingdom was First that SHs Visited & it Introduced us to Conflict between Wapol & Dalton, but the Real Threat were BB Pirates
Followed by Arabasta Kingdom, again Royal Army vs Koza Rebels, but Real Threat? Baroque Works
And then Skypiea, Skypieans vs Shandians, but Real Threat? Birkans
And then Fish-Men Island, Royal Family vs Fish-Men Pirates, but Real Threat? It's BM Pirates
And then Dressrosa & Zou & Wano, Donquixote Family vs Riku Family & also Neko vs Inu & Kozuki vs Kurozumi,
But Real Threat? Beasts Pirates

Literally in every Major Kingdom visited by Straw Hat Crew, Oda shows that there is an Inner Conflict between Two Ideas, and both Sides have a Right & Claim in Throne, but Real Threat always comes from Outside, from Someone who only wants to take what He wants & doesn't care about the Throne of said Kingdom

Does Oda need to do it 99 times for People to finally realize?
Void Century War is simply the Mega Version of all those Arcs, where it's Joy Boy Side vs WG Side
But the Real Threat are "Outsiders" who are neither related to Joy Boy nor WG

Final War is against those who laugh at both sides
Not those Participating it
Personally, I'm kind of expecting the battles with the Marines, SWORD, Gods Knights, and Revolutionaries to all be "background fights". The kind of thing we spend a few chapters on in the middle of other arcs. Like Blackbeard v Law or Imu v Cobra during Egghead. We'll get a few chapters to see what they can do and how the fights shake out, but we won't be spending a whole long arc with the Strawhats fighting most of them. Basically, a bunch of these guys will likely fight each other before maybe leaving ONE character standing who will face off with the Strawhats. I could see all these kind of fights just existing to hype up Imu.

Because I do feel like Luffy probably at least has to meet Imu. Whether or not that results in a fight, I'm not 100% certain. I still feel like Imu could end up being more sympathetic than not. So, there might not be a Imu v Luffy fight. But, I think there's at least going to be a meeting.

So the war agains the World Government will probably be treated more like a side story than it's own full arc. I know that's probably going to disappoint a few people, but that's just what I'm expecting.
Chapter 1121 has brought us an "EPIC" double spread which is basically a map of future events:

Oda has clarified in the past what One Piece was all about - about overcoming the 4 Emperors.
It was stated in an interview when he said that he never planned the 7 Warlords and that they are a result of the story expanding...

Back to the double spread from 1121, this is basically a list of Oda's priorities.
The battle between the 4 Emperors is on the top and taking up majority of the double spread, signifying the greatest importance.
Which is in line with his statement that the show is about overcoming the Yonkos.

The battle against the World Government, which is taking a smaller portion of the double spread, despite more characters, is secondary to Yonko battle over the One Piece. He further reinforces the pecking order of plotlines by saying >It all depends on the one who claims the One Piece!

Interestingly, these two plotlines have very little in common.

The battle over the ultimate treasure is nearly without connection with the battle over who gets to decide what Justice is...
The Justice fighters are also all uninterested in One Piece itself, other than WG not wanting it to be found...
Just like all Emperors are uninterested in being the new WG, other than Blackbeard Pirates.

Certainly, Strawhats or Luffy alone(just like in Marineford), will somehow stumble into this WG war but the true final part of the show starts when WG war ends.
Strawhats themselves have very little motivation in this battle of many factions while they are heavily invested in the PK race.
As Oda said, the show ends once the treasure is found aka WG war is not the Final War that many expect it to be.
The final battle is Wowowoa Wori vs Mihawk which is the most important fight in all of one piece
Nothing changed between this and Doffy's throne wars speech that included all the big names of the world from different factions that weren't pirates as well.

Luffys true journey/goal begins where Roger's ended, after finding of the One Piece.
Many said it already but the marine don't fit in the current narrativedespite being extremely represented in the panel. What could possibly make them go as a whole against the sh? For them to make a move on the strawhat which would insert them in the narrative, the status quo needs to be broken hence why the WG has to fall. WG gets defeated and their poneglyph get stolen=the marines need to destroy the sh. I put BBp before them purely because of match up, pizzaro and shilliew<<<<<<<<<admirals.
Many said it already but the marine don't fit in the current narrativedespite being extremely represented in the panel. What could possibly make them go as a whole against the sh? For them to make a move on the strawhat which would insert them in the narrative, the status quo needs to be broken hence why the WG has to fall. WG gets defeated and their poneglyph get stolen=the marines need to destroy the sh. I put BBp before them purely because of match up, pizzaro and shilliew<<<<<<<<<admirals.
Marines who are part of the World Government.. created by the World Government to serve the World Government... will be the final villains without the WG.

The people who run the WG and for the purposes of which the Marines organization exists will fall first...

Nani? That makes the Marines look like incompetent bums lol.
Marines who are part of the World Government.. created by the World Government to serve the World Government... will be the final villains without the WG.

The people who run the WG and for the purposes of which the Marines organization exists will fall first...

Hence why we got both Coby and akainu the cog in the machine in the panel, damn you re totally right
Hence why we got both Coby and akainu the cog in the machine in the panel, damn you re totally right
I mean all Marines, except 1, are cogs in the machine that has remained in power for 800 yeaes... they literally chose Akainu because he's the best cog that represents the Gorosei's purposes the best.

A military that is created by the World Government, ran by the World Government, supported by the World Government, funded by the World Government.... but isn't part of the World Government??