Powers & Abilities Oden and Kaido surpassed Whitbeard and Roger | full analysis


Zoro Worshipper
Headcanons of Wano Zoro is being on Oden's level wankers got destroyed, well done. Zoro's Asura despite being CoC, wasn't even close to Oden's Togen Totsuka. And Oden didn't have Law to save his ass from Kaido several times, he soloed him.
Destroyed because?

Unless someone here believed and was right that Togen Totsuka was far from Oden's strongest attack when it was probably the best on his arsenal.
I warned people as much as I love oden not to overplay that scar cause someone else will do that there you go.
and no
with this luffy beatdown I just saw in his base
dont think kaido is above or beating prime roger /wb .
And both of them had Enma. hmm, what a coincidence!? I wonder why Shanks, Big Mom, Roger and Garp field to scar Kaido?????? 😜 wink, wink Enma...