Powers & Abilities Oden and Kaido surpassed Whitbeard and Roger | full analysis


Sasaki Kojirō

Are they some kind of gods?

I will be honest with you, WB and Roger are not that nonsense, "gods you think".

The current luffy has the ability to predict the future, one of the rare people in the world, considering that WB and Roger are one of those rare people, the luffy FS currently has his CoO on the same level.
Luffy's COA, is the maximum level demonstrated by Rayleigh, we can say that it is level 3,
offensively and defensively, their CoO and COA have reached the limit, to the maximum, and WB and Roger certainly have Ryou, but it is on the same level as the current luffy, there will be no other level beyond that.
Now he is evolving the COC and learning to use it, the differential of luffy, Roger and WB in Haki, is the COC, and luffy will possibly learn to use it and, following what has been said, he will still lose to KAIDO, and the 9 shadows will bring the dawn ...
With COA and Ryou at most, he lost 3 times to KAIDO ...
And now he's using COC in an attempt to put it all together and beat it.


Zoro Worshipper
how can so many people be stronger than the Worlds Strongest Man?
Because sickness took over but the title remained despite he was most likely not more the factual strongest since probably a consistent time portion.

If Mihawk was on the verge of death we would not call him WSS normally, but his title would still be present in the databooks in that moment.

Do you understand?
Are they some kind of gods?

I will be honest with you, WB and Roger are not that nonsense, "gods you think".

The current luffy has the ability to predict the future, one of the rare people in the world, considering that WB and Roger are one of those rare people, the luffy FS currently has his CoO on the same level.
Luffy's COA, is the maximum level demonstrated by Rayleigh, we can say that it is level 3,
offensively and defensively, their CoO and COA have reached the limit, to the maximum, and WB and Roger certainly have Ryou, but it is on the same level as the current luffy, there will be no other level beyond that.
Now he is evolving the COC and learning to use it, the differential of luffy, Roger and WB in Haki, is the COC, and luffy will possibly learn to use it and, following what has been said, he will still lose to KAIDO, and the 9 shadows will bring the dawn ...
With COA and Ryou at most, he lost 3 times to KAIDO ...
And now he's using COC in an attempt to put it all together and beat it.
luffy is just learning CoC + CoA combo and already baby shaking kaido in base

roger/prime wb already mastered that shit, kaido would get low diff'd lmao
Are they some kind of gods?

I will be honest with you, WB and Roger are not that nonsense, "gods you think".

The current luffy has the ability to predict the future, one of the rare people in the world, considering that WB and Roger are one of those rare people, the luffy FS currently has his CoO on the same level.
Luffy's COA, is the maximum level demonstrated by Rayleigh, we can say that it is level 3,
offensively and defensively, their CoO and COA have reached the limit, to the maximum, and WB and Roger certainly have Ryou, but it is on the same level as the current luffy, there will be no other level beyond that.
Now he is evolving the COC and learning to use it, the differential of luffy, Roger and WB in Haki, is the COC, and luffy will possibly learn to use it and, following what has been said, he will still lose to KAIDO, and the 9 shadows will bring the dawn ...
With COA and Ryou at most, he lost 3 times to KAIDO ...
And now he's using COC in an attempt to put it all together and beat it.
well i dont think they are gods matey
kind of ironic cause if anyone thinks any character is , take a look at your kaido related takes ......

luffy's very close to taking down kaido
what this thread is suggesting is oden who roger swiped and kaido have surpassed wb and roger
will be honest with you
I think luffy will match and arguably surpass kaido before the other 2
wont be suprised if the manga literally states that and people will continue to deny it like katakuri implying luffy was his equal.
We can agree
Prime Roger couldnt Knockdown Rookie young oden with a Named attack

And he was the only one Who capable to leave scar on kaido in that Era

Ive already Put Yonko Shanks < Oden since kaido said he didnt get excited since oden fight

Roger => or = Oden