Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

Spandam? That bum? Nusjuro has what looks to be shodai kitetsu, a supreme grade blade, will make no sense for him not to be a fighter, the gorosei were also hyped when we first saw them ready for a fight and the DFs not fully being revealed yet, they'll be fighters, possibly on less scale than god knights.
But they’re never portrayed as top tier fighters. So far they just have hax fruits. And if Nasujuro has regen like Saturn; holding a cursed blade is nothing cause no curse would kill him.

Don’t put stock in Gorosei. Saturn is showing that.
This fanbase is beyond saving.
Anything to push an agenda, including talking to chatGPT about wheezing & huffing.
It's literally your fellow zbois who started talking about wheezing and onomatopoeia 🤣 tf are you on about
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Nice that you say it , now go cry somewhere else
Chill on the crack it's making you lose focus
(1) I am not responsible for their posting just because I like Zoro too.
Yes you are. If you can't correct them then we're just gonna include all of you together.
@Fleet Leader Fenaker is literally wheezing and onomatopoeia scaling in this same thread
When chapter dropped @HA001 and @Redboy776 were bandana scaling
During break week all of them slandered every single character who's regarded as top tier.
Zoro switches all the time, he started the fight against Kaku with 3 swords then fought with 2 swords for half a chapter
tf are these lies mf ?
Zoro never downgraded to a lower level than he initially did.

Zoro was using 3 swords with Nitoryu named attacks , he used 72 pc and SO ON then he went up ward using Nitoryu high level techniques then used Ittoryu Shishi sonson then Santoryu Ichi Ni gorilla a High level santoryu Technique.

It's always going upward , whilst Against Lucci He used Hell flame Hakified Santoryu and downgraded to Base 2 swords, There's a hella difference between the two Haki wise and with the flame coating at that and the third sword .

you are coping since Zoro downgraded for your dear Gucci who can't do shit against him :gokulaugh:

Yes you are. If you can't correct them then we're just gonna include all of you together.
@Fleet Leader Fenaker is literally wheezing and onomatopoeia scaling in this same thread
When chapter dropped @HA001 and @Redboy776 were bandana scaling
During break week all of them slandered every single character who's regarded as top tier.
You crying ? Luffy tards already on cope mode
Yes you are. If you can't correct them then we're just gonna include all of you together.
@Fleet Leader Fenaker is literally wheezing and onomatopoeia scaling in this same thread
When chapter dropped @HA001 and @Redboy776 were bandana scaling
During break week all of them slandered every single character who's regarded as top tier.
What? Just because you like a certain character does not mean you have to associate or agree with everyone else who likes them.

And it is equally stupid to proceed to generalize and attack others for something someone else said.
What? Just because you like a certain character does not mean you have to associate or agree with everyone else who likes them.

And it is equally stupid to proceed to generalize and attack others for something someone else said.
Tf? They're all in this together. They like their posts. Any of them says something the gang likes it