Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

A certain fan base:
the reason Zoro stopped fighting Monet and sat down was because he was tired, not strong enough to beat Monet and needed Tashigi to fight for him.

Oda would never hold Zoro back or waste his time.


He had Zoro easily beat a character he could have beaten at anytime if he wasn't holding back.

That same fan base again:
Oda would never have a character arrive at Zoro's battle just to witness his strength.

Oda again:

Tashigi purpose was to witness Zoro's strength.

They never learn and keep taking L.
The bruises are the same they both had before the fight started, though, and I don't remember other cases of Zoro going all out and sheathing swords unless it's for one specific move, after which he unsheathes them again.

So while the huffing and dialogue, as well as the sweating, suggest the fight has been more than casual, there is evidence of them, particularly Zoro, not going all out. Zoro not having an easy time and Zoro still not going all out are not mutually exclusive.

And I don't mean it as "Zoro is much stronger because he's holding back", but as "Why the hell is he, Oda?". As a reader, I do want to know.
Because the fight is off-screened, he could have switched to a specific move for 2-swords.
Both sides are being petty as hell. Zorobros should sit back, relax and clap back once the fight is over.

Seeing them discussing JP translations of wheezing & huffing with ChatGPT is just sad to watch.
That is one guy who did that they are trying to smear whole fandom with. it’s zoro haters who started the huff weeze scaling remember Kurwa in Wano with gifters
That is one guy who did that they are trying to smear whole fandom with. it’s zoro haters who started the huff weeze scaling remember Kurwa in Wano with gifters
I'm probably the one Zorofan who dragged the huff/wheeze discussion this thread the longest and I just find lost in translation nuances interesting. I don't think anyone from the fandom has had a meltdown in this thread.
There are 2 options.

1. Zoro can end this but chooses not to.
2. Zoro can't end this like he wants to.

Zoro comes out looking bad either way.

In 1, he is endangering the crew who are trying to escape, and could have helped earlier when they needed it. He's also wasting Jimbe's time who could be fighting underwater against the fleet instead.

In 2, he's underperforming and is further from Mihawk than we thought.
Just on point 1.

True, but he did it with Apoo (who was vet/executive level) anyway.
Kept complaining about how it's taking long, he needs to get up there to help scabbards etc.

Still kept jobbing.

Only when he saw Kiku's arm he got truly serious and one shotted Apoo.

Luffy also jobbed around for the entire duration of scabbards vs Kaido as well.

It's just Loda things. Stall piece exists for a reason. He prefers characters getting stalled so that plot progresses as he wishes to.
Just on point 1.

True, but he did it with Apoo (who was vet/executive level) anyway.
Kept complaining about how it's taking long, he needs to get up there to help samurai etc.

Still kept jobbing.

Only when he saw Kiku's arm he got truly serious and one shotted Apoo.

It's just Loda things. Stall piece exists for a reason. He prefers characters getting stalled so that plot progresses as he wishes to.
Honestly, he should really learn to do that better after so many years. It felt off then and it feels off now.