General & Others OG M3 will stay

Not all Sanji fans are the same, im not being discriminatory here. but if you are like me and many other older one piece fans who were around since orojackson forums, just take a look at the number of 'Jinbe will die' theories back then. At the same time this was happening, countless posts were made of sanji theories fighting and beating almost any new character the straw hats met. Sanji vs Katakuri, Sanji vs Daifuku, Sanji vs Queen, Sanji vs King, there was even Sanji vs Big Mom, the list goes on. After wci island there were even angry rant posts where people said that Sanji should have gotten future sight observation haki instead of luffy, can you believe it??? And lest not forget other useless posts where the zoro and sanji fans were fighting again, just because sanji got a higher bounty than zoro 330 million vs 320 million.

This is of course a small vocal minority, the majority of sanji fans are just like any other one piece fans, well mannered. the truth is all fanbases of the monster trio have their basket of bad eggs. But sanji's basket of bad eggs have definiety been ringing the loudest for some time now.
Yeah I can accept that lol

Personally, feat and portrayal wise I'd say its Luffy >>> Zoro >=Jinbei > Sanji

BUT plot narrative wise it will/should end up Luffy >> Zoro > Sanji >= Jinbei

Regardless I'm 100% lining up with the Luffy in a tier by himself with the others below him as his YC1-2-3 (Maybe Oda created the monster trio for this role all along so it would be the SH's equivalent of Calamities, Sweet Commanders, Admirals etc lmao)
Lol why are M3 defenders so insecure? Those guys are independent characters and how they relate to each other powerwise doesn't matter.
As a zoro fan,i don't give a damn about that M3 thing..Just want zoro to do his thing and accomplish his dream at the end of the day.
How zoro does it,how he compares to luffy,sanji& jimbei at the end of the day doesn't interest me.
And if you analyze zoro character,he too doesn't care about those things...All he wants is do his thing regardless of the power of those surrounding him.
Well said! But we know who are insecure and need to bring the bounties, panels as arguments to just talk shits.
After wano, it's gonna be a rampage.


Jinbei>~Zoro>=Sanji currently
Post wano : Zoro >= Sanji ~ Jinbei
EoS : Zoro > Sanji > Jinbei... the gap is slim.
None of them will be above Admiral level, at best Zoro is above Fuji only.

Indeed, luffy low diff all 3 in 1 v 1.
Luffy doesnt have conquerors so he can very well oneshot
I dont know about the M3 but the SH duo definitely exist and will stay as such till EoS. This is the team up that matters. The long awaited team up (Not sure if it is the correct translation). Even Oda couldn't wait to draw this duo ready to fight together.:finally:

even if it is the correct translation, i think its just an editors note that oda didnt directly write himself?!

might be wrong about this.
Anyway on a serious note I have always viewed it as Luffy with Zoro at the top followed by Sanji and Jimbei then the rest.

This is sorely based on the way Oda has gone out his way to highlights duo throught the manga and in every generation:
  1. Roger and Rayleigh (pirate king and dark king)
  2. Garp and Bogard
  3. Sengoku and his goat (I am joking)
  4. WB and Oden (Brothers, when Oden was still on the ship). WB and Marco (After Oden left)
  5. Shanks and Ben Beckman. (Shanks and Mihawk. You can also view this in the same vein)
  6. Luffy and Zoro
  7. Coby and Helmeppo
  8. Smoker and Tashigi
  9. Kidd and Killer (Pirate rivals)
  10. Lucci and Kaku (are now part of cp0)
  11. Crocodile and Mr
As evident, there are multiple duo that exist in the Op verse. These duo are not just random, they all play a huge role in the influencing the journey of the SH. Even when he makes foes return eg Crocodile, Mr.1 and Lucci, Kaku, he made sure to bring back the 2 members that rivalled Luffy and Zoro. The rest have not received any focus.

Oda has actually never developed an opponent/rival for Sanji throughout the manga like how Luffy and Zoro's rivals/opponents have been developed throught the maga. Sanji neither has a marine nor pirate rival. Only Luffy and Zoro do.

M3 would honestly make sense if Oda actually put in effort to highlight it. If he made rivals for Sanji etc. However, he has never done this throughtout the manga. Sanji's opponents always are only relevant in the arc they appear in then are gone. His rivals also only ever appear in the arc they are relevant to.

Based on manga, the only team up Oda focuses on is the duo that will be rivals for Luffy and Zoro
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At least he has done it for obvious reasons
True, however, all the stuff he does in the manga are for a reason.

Anyway, that post was just me joking about. However, it is evident that even in the manga Luffy's relationship with Zoro is different to that of Luffy and Sanji and Luffy and other SH.

The best point is highlighted in what happened when Luffy reunited with Zoro. Luffy was excited and went out of his way to hug Zoro.
Luffy has never done this to any other SH. The only other guy who got this treatment is Sabo who Luffy thought died.
When Luffy reunited with Usopp, Franky etc in Wano, when Luffy reunited with the Nami, Brooke etc in Zou after the separation. (In the case of Nami she went and hugged Luffy). When he reunited with Sanji in WCi after separation, he didn't give them the Zoro treatment. He was happy to see them and that was it.

So this is another point for the Luffy Zoro duo vs the rest of SH
Anyway on a serious note I have always viewed it as Luffy with Zoro at the top followed by Sanji and Jimbei then the rest.

This is sorely based on the way Oda has gone out his way to highlights duo throught the manga and in every generation:
  1. Roger and Rayleigh (pirate king and dark king)
  2. Garp and Bogard
  3. Sengoku and his goat (I am joking)
  4. WB and Oden (Brothers, when Oden was still on the ship). WB and Marco (After Oden left)
  5. Shanks and Ben Beckman. (Shanks and Mihawk. You can also view this in the same vein)
  6. Luffy and Zoro
  7. Coby and Helmeppo
  8. Smoker and Tashigi
  9. Kidd and Killer (Pirate rivals)
  10. Lucci and Kaku (are now part of cp0)
  11. Crocodile and Mr
As evident, there are multiple duo that exist in the Op verse. These duo are not just random, they all play a huge role in the influencing the journey of the SH. Even when he makes foes return eg Crocodile, Mr.1 and Lucci, Kaku, he made sure to bring back the 2 members that rivalled Luffy and Zoro. The rest have not received any focus.

Oda has actually never developed an opponent/rival for Sanji throughout the manga like how Luffy and Zoro's rivals/opponents have been developed throught the maga. Sanji neither has a marine nor pirate rival. Only Luffy and Zoro do.

M3 would honestly make sense if Oda actually put in effort to highlight it. If he made rivals for Sanji etc. However, he has never done this throughtout the manga. Sanji's opponents always are only relevant in the arc they appear in then are gone. His rivals also only ever appear in the arc they are relevant to.

Based on manga, the only team up Oda focuses on is the duo that will be rivals for Luffy and Zoro
Just imagine when Eneru returns and there is Ohm with him

That would be the definitive proof
True, however, all the stuff he does in the manga are for a reason.

Anyway, that post was just me joking about. However, it is evident that even in the manga Luffy's relationship with Zoro is different to that of Luffy and Sanji and Luffy and other SH.

The best point is highlighted in what happened when Luffy reunited with Zoro. Luffy was excited and went out of his way to hug Zoro.
Luffy has never done this to any other SH. The only other guy who got this treatment is Sabo who Luffy thought died.
When Luffy reunited with Usopp, Franky etc in Wano, when Luffy reunited with the Nami, Brooke etc in Zou after the separation. (In the case of Nami she went and hugged Luffy). When he reunited with Sanji in WCi after separation, he didn't give them the Zoro treatment. He was happy to see them and that was it.

So this is another point for the Luffy Zoro duo vs the rest of SH
On the other hand you have non other relationship besides the one you mentioned like Zoro and Sanji.

Never have seen Franky and Usopp being highlighted or something

And that's my point the in-between relationship of the M3 is special theme wise and I can't see Judge fitting in ant of it.

And yes Sanji has jokes in competing with Luffy