Powers & Abilities On Zooan forms


Kitetsu Wanker
The scabbards already landed the same hit that Oden landed. It would be weird imo if the Scabbards were to start doing even better
We will see how much damage they will land on a smaller and less tougher form.
No it isn't. We've seen P1's Hybrid form, and Oda still goes in and out of Full Zooan. You can't even make the "best for last" argument here.
Use your head... That's exactly the argument to make, the best for last. Zoan forms are never an obstacle for a capable opponent.
Dukes trashed Jack's Zoan back in Zou, couldnt trash his base. P1's hybrid is the best combat suited form, no doubt.
It's iron rule - Hybrid>Base>Zoan. There are exceptions, trash like Orochi is weakest in his base but proper combatants are not.
Have we seen a hybrid form of the mythical Zoan????

About Kaido, what if this base form is the hybrid form, his normal form is a Dragon and he have a Hito Hito no mi model Ancient Giant?
Sengoku arguably went hybrid in Marineford and Orochi's was hinted when he talked with the CP0.

About Kaido, the problem is that such hybrid form would have no visible trait from his dragon self. An hybrid between an ancient giant and a dragon wouldn't look like base Kaido at all.
Oda lacks imagination to make zoan forms good
He acts as if they are a power up but what we see is them failing to do something every time.

Bites are literally useless in a manga where mangaka is afraid of dinosaurs eating people