Calling it now, in next popularity poll, the gap between luffy and zoro will be much more than this one.
Less than 2% diff in Japan where all the previous polls were held.
Zoro will surpass him in next poll in Japan for sure, killing of Kaido will be the drop that tilts the scale into Zoro's favor.
Rosinante, a dead flashback character, flashback that is not even for the main character but only for his cheerleader over Blackbeard is seriously a joke.
Blackbeard is really underrated, and this is coming from someone who actually doesn't want to defend him.
By design alone, compare Blackbeard and Trafodder. People would instantly think that Trafodder is the smarter one, the more calculating one, the more cunning one. While Blackbeard looks like a dumb hippo that will be manipulated by Trafodder.
But reality:
- already aimed for Yami Yami and already got it with cunning plan
- orchestrated both of Ace and Whitebeard's death. Ace who was once his superior and Whitebeard who was once his captain.
- got Gura Gura again with his cunning brain
- joined Shichibukai with hidden agenda
- now becoming a Yonko, a position his former captain Whitebeard previously had, by stomping Marco his former captain's right hand man.
- bullshitted in Punk Hazard by claiming wants to take down Kaido. Reality: he just targetted Doffy and didn't think he will make it out of Dressrosa alive.
- when confrontation against Kaido and Big Mom happen, what did he do with his hax DF? Throwing rocks lmao. Lifting rock is something that Kid Zoro already did on daily basis, except without using any hax.
And post Wano most likely he will be less and less relevant.
This poll is not popularity contest. It's either boobularity contest like @Blackbeard said, or beauty contest. No wonder beauty boys / girls who did nothing like Trafodder, Rosinante, Yamao, Carrot, and Robin clone all flooded the Top 20.
Blackbeard is really underrated, and this is coming from someone who actually doesn't want to defend him.
By design alone, compare Blackbeard and Trafodder. People would instantly think that Trafodder is the smarter one, the more calculating one, the more cunning one. While Blackbeard looks like a dumb hippo that will be manipulated by Trafodder.
But reality:
- already aimed for Yami Yami and already got it with cunning plan
- orchestrated both of Ace and Whitebeard's death. Ace who was once his superior and Whitebeard who was once his captain.
- got Gura Gura again with his cunning brain
- joined Shichibukai with hidden agenda
- now becoming a Yonko, a position his former captain Whitebeard previously had, by stomping Marco his former captain's right hand man.
- bullshitted in Punk Hazard by claiming wants to take down Kaido. Reality: he just targetted Doffy and didn't think he will make it out of Dressrosa alive.
- when confrontation against Kaido and Big Mom happen, what did he do with his hax DF? Throwing rocks lmao. Lifting rock is something that Kid Zoro already did on daily basis, except without using any hax.
And post Wano most likely he will be less and less relevant.
This poll is not popularity contest. It's either boobularity contest like @Blackbeard said, or beauty contest. No wonder beauty boys / girls who did nothing like Trafodder, Rosinante, Yamao, Carrot, and Robin clone all flooded the Top 20.