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I really see this as the start of the end for the Wano arc. That's generally speaking how Oda does things. We've had the big flashback, time for the fights and conclusion. There'll be a few twists and turns left, but the alliance certainly isn't facing a crushing defeat and then the fights starting again. If there is to be five acts I reckon this act is finishing pretty quickly, maybe with the alliance arriving on Onigashima and act four will be the war itself.

I'm also not sure if Oda is going to want to cut back to the rest of the world again until the end of the arc.
The case for 5 Acts is too strong.

The Jump Festa message was about Sabo, Vivi, Hancock, intermission content. Even if you think Wano ends this year, there is enough time to go over post-Reverie drama, all achievable in 2020 with Oda's breaks, why would Oda jump into that stuff right away? Wano is such a heavy arc that there is bound to be a breather like Elbaf.

Kaido + Big Mom's flashback with Rocks pausing the action for another month minimum goes where? That looks like Act 4 material. Don't forget all the external actors from Jinbe, the marines, Sword/CP0, Izo and the Whitebeard pirates have to get involved. Even if the alliance loses against Big Mom + Kaido, any of these groups interfering will buy enough time for the Samurai and the Worst Gen to get it together. And I'm not even going to touch all the post-climax content of Wano actually opening, two Yonko falling, more poneglyphs found, etc before moving to the Sabo stuff.

Wano ending in 2020 and Luffy beating Kaido in Round 2 does not look like it can be done in a satisfying manner. The only feasible possibility is that Sabo, Vivi, Hancock all somehow end up in Wano.
Imagine being dumb enough to think that Kidd and Law will be more relevant than the sh lmao
yea ... Oda is one damn dumb ... I mean it ... I missed the time when SHs were relevant to the stroy

again ... this is not a joke ... Chopper , Robin , Sanji , Zoro , Franky all were in shades ever since the ... well after Zou and they never shined like before

I really wish if all straw hats get to fight Kaido as one ...


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I mean look at the size of those ships, what are the odds of few Tobi Roppos being onboard..:fransuper:
apparently 0% the BP said that they were just supposed to sink 1 little boat so probably they're mostly (if not all) fodders i mean even if there are all the Tobi Roppo they will be 6 vs the whole alliance which is supposed to take down Kaido and BM lol
Wheres Shinobu????

Going to read again all parts of the last arcs where Kanjuro os present to make more sense of this

Man...i love to see Luffy back with a Pirate outfit. Next chapter expect to see the all the SH in the Sunny and the supernova Big 3 in action.
Yeah they are. The same with supernovas. They are all side characters. Hence why Law was made to look like Luffy cheerleader in Dressrosa arc. Whereas Luffy Zoro Franky Ussop and Robin all had shining moments.
The rest of the strawhats are just side characters ever since the beginning and became much worst post-ts

and what shinning moments you're talking about? I don't even remember those shinning moments:suresure:
Wheres Shinobu????

Going to read again all parts of the last arcs where Kanjuro os present to make more sense of this

Man...i love to see Luffy back with a Pirate outfit. Next chapter expect to see the all the SH in the Sunny and the supernova Big 3 in action.
Since Oda doesn't kill Kanjuro probably injured her i think in the panel that showed Kanjuro from distance there was another person on the ground.


:shocking: Zoro fans looking for Zoro having a badass intro next to Kidd luffy & law.... they don't have such panel ever.

:pepedoffy: Reminder Capone, a lesser SN had
  • similar feats as Sanji vs Oven, both looked pretty good.
  • Capone wife also contributed at baking the cake with Sanji.
  • Big Father protected them for a time. Tanked more base hits than Queen

But hey Law and Kidd will look lesser than Zoro/Sanji in this arc :funky:trolling isn't good.

Law already got better portrayal and feats than Zoro at DR & PH :
  • Law had 3 stars while Zoro was 2 as Kyros.
  • Weakened Law defeated Trebol,
  • Law also did beat Vergo (doffy RH) : beating 2 executives >> 1 (Pica ) that Zoro beat >= Kyros defeated 1 (diamante)
  • Law cut a mountain with a factory inside
  • Law survived fighting Fuji and Doffy...
  • In Wano:
  • Law defeated Hawkins (who is above >Kamazou Killer version)

But remain salty ,

Kidd and Law will outshine anyone not named Luffy.
apaprently 0% the BP said that they were just supposed to sink 1 little boat so probably they're mostly (if not all) fodders i mean even if there are all the Tobi Roppo they will be 6 vs the whole alliance which is supposed to take down Kaido and BM lol
I don’t think anyone but those Supernova Trio is gonna show off their battle prowess in this situation. It would be perfect to show their current lvl by having them low-diffing one of Tobi Roppo each while sinking their ships. A man can atleast dream..:yasu:


well go check again Zoro won his battle, Franky won his battle, Robin took care of Law (lol) and Usopp unlocked CoO. All law did at Dressrosa was get whipped then get whipped again and then need Luffy to take care of his business.
In the entire arc, Law kept fighting doffy, fujitora and so on. Well, of course, SHP will get their own separate fight since they're the main cast but it doesn't change the fact the most focused character after Luffy in Dressrosa was Law and he even got to defeat the strongest opponent in the PH arc, Vergo
The rest of the strawhats are just side characters ever since the beginning and became much worst post-ts

and what shinning moments you're talking about? I don't even remember those shinning moments:suresure:
- Ussop getting CoO
- Franky beating Senor Pink
- Zoro badass cutting up Pica
- Robin stopping Hakuda with ease
- Luffy defeating Doffy

where was Law ??? Oh yeah he was getting taken care of by Robin and Cavendish after getting his ass whipped twice. Watch him get smashed again this arc while the main crew all shine.


I don't mean they fight and win .... just fight and shine .... they are the main characters .... but only Luffy and Brook had a LEGIT useful screen time in last 3 years
Well getting screen time is a different story... I am fine with them getting spotlight but even giving a little bit of aid against Kaido is no from me. They can have their spotlight in their own respective way
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