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"Law transports the Scabbards away from the rooftop to safety "

Of everything that's supposedly happening this chapter, this is the biggest disgrace and most stupid writing decision by far.
Oda should've just called Law's DF the plot-plot-no-mi.
Well it's nothing surprising to be honnest, it's just another repeat of his use of his df at Dressrosa.

Oda just loves recycling too much.
Doesn't Shinobu have an ability to make giant holes in the round instantly? And doesnt chopper have a digging form? And doesn't law have teleportation abilities?

These are superhumans dude. A few meters of dirt doesn't stop superhumans

It would be one thing if the straw hats didn't know the Poneglyph was there but they do. And they will have a lot of free time after winning at the end of the arc

The Poneglyph can be excavated in like two panels.

Beating 2 yonko is impossible for these 5

You need outside intervention if you expect the island not to be landed
Bro I can bet you that this island doesn't land on the flower capital, whatever you want, it just won't.
Luffy won't let it happen even if he loses to Kaido as for beating two Yonkous we should wait for BM's move, don't think this alliance will last as per Kaido's own words.

Where are those that said Raid will succeed

We know act 3 isn't done yet. We are still left with 2 acts.

Oda already told you Wano will last a month via Hawkins predictions.
Allinace will only start winning in act 4 after 2 weeks of trying to survive
I still don't understand what do you expect for those 2 weeks. Alliance locked in Udon???


Marco is too strong for the calamities. Weevil must come, so that Marco can be taken out of the picture for the calamities to fight someone else.
Apoo is too strong for zoro and Drake... someone else should come and take him out... oops

Oda keeps making Marco repeat fests done by Apoo and Jinbei. He's a glorified Apoo/Jinbei with regen

:beckmoji:reminds me of last week
"King and queen attack Marco but Marco dodges "
Finds out...King did nothing, only Queen shot bullets.

This week spoilers "marco blocks King and Queen then blows zoro up"
Reality will be "Marco via his regen tanks and dodges then blows Zoro up" without he himself even passing through
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