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Lmao Kodansha just announced they are taking strict actions to identify the ones responsible for the early leaks of Attack On TItan.
The earliest & the more you leak the more you risk pissing off the publishers off. This is is why providers like redon doesn't immediately post the full summary and this is why monday spoilers are usually one sentence and the tuesday ones do not cover everything.
Honestly I'm surprised the korean guy still didn't get caught.
I talked about it before but y'all ignored:

Yo what about this new copyright law that will take effect January 1st?

Is this the end of manga leaks?
From @AttackOnFans


Kodansha will report manga leakers due to the new Japanese copyright law that will take effect in one week (January 1st, 2021)

That means no more manga leaks, but you can read the official releases through Crunchyroll (9th of every month)

Please understand."
Who is this loser ? Is manga discussion his full time job ?

LMAO we may be weebs in our free time but at least we have real jobs

Shout out to his patreons. He has massive clout and a stable monthly income from reviewing Manga, not to mention shout outs and plugs from several top YouTubers. And who can forget the cringe and loyal Reddit Fanbase who will pant and drool at wtvr he posts as if it’s the work of Eiichiro Oda himself.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta

Shout out to his patreons. He has massive clout and a stable monthly income from reviewing Manga, not to mention shout outs and plugs from several top YouTubers. And who can forget the cringe and loyal Reddit Fanbase who will pant and drool at wtvr he posts as if it’s the work of Eiichiro Oda himself.
Arthur is good people but he tends to overanalyse sometimes.
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