Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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no wonder sanji always ends his fights before zoro then
Well if they fight the same enemies like Luffy and Law, then yeah it would be true. I doubt Sanji would fall behind of Zoro in that scenario.
You know its a conquers haki battle, showing mastery over their conquers that's what it is, as the vivre card states we dont know if the admirals have CoC, but sengoku did and didn't have a battle, read please not hard https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Haki/Haoshoku_Haki
He couldn't use CoO and CoC, but his CoA was still impressive enough, and still the WSM, "stabbed by squardo" he survived magma punches stop just stop
Even if they have CoC it doesn't mean they can split heavens. Luffy and Chinjao didn't split heavens. It exactly shows their level. Oda said Fishman Island Luffy can KO 50.000 fishmen while Shanks and Rayleigh can KO all of them. There are levels to it. No splitting heavens means either WB was too weak to do it in MF or Admirals are not on Yonko level, and they have no heavens splitting Haki.

WB was so weak that he couldn't even use regular CoC like Pre-TS Luffy. And you say that MF Whitebeard was stronger than Kaido...:okay:
What are you on about?
I only meant ratio wise

Blueno's doriki are below 1000 and Kaku's above 2000. Lucci 4000 or something.

The gap is wider, learn how to do math. I'm an engineering student so you can trust my calcs.
I actually did mechanical engineering at uni, but you don't need high school maths to know 4000-2200 is 1800 and 2200-820 is 1380 and that 1800 is a bigger gap than 1380...

If you would rather speak ratios than the absolute gap that is fine ( I included both in my post earlier), but lets not try your appeal to authority nonsense here please, it is a child's comic and this isn't complicated maths.:milaugh:


Zoro Worshipper
This is just a gear system.

1.You like Zoro so you try to make him stronger by any possible way.
2. You like him even more so you try to find more and more convoluted ways to make him stronger
Etc... etc... I mean how can we think that the main character of a shonen manga is weaker than his first mate.

I've been discussing One Piece for a "long" time. I learnt to tolerate the Zoro = Luffy even if I personally think it is simply wrong. But I cant accept the Zoro > Luffy.
This is unhealthy to think like that, especially for a "science nerd"
You are being disrespectful here. But ok.


"Kaido says that some can fight him."
What can be concluded that these "some" have advanced haki.
Doesn't Big Mom have Ryou? it must fit in the range of these "some".
We are talking about being able to fight LOL, and not even defeating hahahaha !!!The question has changed for who can fight him, not who can defeat him, holy shit, fucking monster.
So shanks is seen as shadow with Xebec,Roger,Wb, Oden and Rocks,all blade users.

Is there a chance Mihawk is there too or they never fought?
Listen, I think Mihawk is the greatest Swordsman in the world, that is straight up a fact.

However, people here like to equate Swordsmanship with overall combat strength and often use "extra" canon material to try and prove their point. While I'm sure Mihawk has this advanced Haki, nothing has shown Mihawk to have conquerors, or the straight up ability to fight without a weapon. Nothing has proven outright that he is stronger than Shanks beyond true swordsmanship, which extends to Roger, Rayleigh and now Rocks.

We DO have proof that Mihawk pretty much considered himself under Whitebeard, considering his comments in Marineford questioning how far behind he or any of them were to that Yonko.

Now, im not saying Mihawk isn't as strong as a Yonko, but im also saying we have zero definitive proof that he's stronger than any other top tier in this series, especially Shanks. On the flipside, aside from his overwhelming haki, we have zero proof that Shanks can fight without his sword.

Which is why I think the argument is dumb because there still isn't enough proof to determine who is stronger than who officially. The scene this chapter does make it funny for fans of Shanks though
That sanji stans are beta males is a well known fact what i wanna know is why you don't care for the fact that he is so weak he now needs to use the technology of those he despises the most in the world to become stronger?
Because I'm not shortsighted
Becuase Tom-San explains that too well... tools like ships, or Germa suit are not evil or good... it all depends on the wielder
The wielder can use it to hurt people, and do evil shit... or he can be like Sanji and use it to save Momo (the future shogun of Wano, and their hope) from execution... and throwing the suit for personal issues is dumb and short sighted with all respect... it does not do any good for his crew or himself to move past his hardships


Zoro Worshipper
I actually did mechanical engineering at uni, but you don't need high school maths to know 4000-2200 is 1800 and 2200-820 is 1380 and that 1800 is a bigger gap than 1380...

If you would rather speak ratios than the absolute gap that is fine ( I included both in my post earlier), but lets not try your appeal to authority nonsense here please, it is a child's comic and this isn't complicated maths.:milaugh:
Then you still don't fully get what ratio is.
Because I had only mentioned that one.
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