I really want better for him. His new move is awesome AF but I wish he had learned Ryou too. I don't even know if he's gonna have CoC either now. I don't want Luffy to become so ridiculously above him due to having Future Sight, Ryou (The Emission, Internal Destruction and all that), CoC etc.
I'd prefer Kid to get his DF awakening before Luffy tbh, I really want to see both but I'd love to Kid to get his first to give him a better fighting chance of keeping up with Luffy and getting stronger.
I'm just worried Oda is gonna have Kid constantly trailing behind in Luffy's shadow of superiority. The way he's written him post TS really hasn't helped, he needs some major Ws onscreen. Including an important fight solo vs a Yonko commander or equivalent at least.
Seeing what Luffy can do might spur him to really
bounce back harder and try to keep up, all in time for the Shanks arc where Kid is
bound to want to get revenge andt ry to kill Shanks even more than he wanted to
That Logia comparison is very apt too btw.
There's no way 2 Emperors should get taken down this "easily" tbh but I fear Oda may try to force it to happen with how he's still clowning on BM too. But both Kaido and BM have yet to get serious and go all out, show what they're truly capable of, especially Kaido ofc.
They definitely need help from someone major as you said, it's the only believable solution imo. I expected all Supernovas or at least these 9 to face Kaido alone and still struggle to win, never mind half of that taking on 2 Emperors LMAO! Kid doesn't even have Ryou and 5 Supernova's actually believe they can take on 2 Emperors and win? MADNESS!
This seems like a setup for a big fall instead imo, the main tragedy but that's if Oda is not rushing the story and just making the Yonkos fail regardless of logic and expectations.
Even if they actually defeat Kaido somehow, isn't Onigashima just going to fall straight onto the capital and destroy it? Killing thousands of people at least even? There's no way they should even be in any state after fighting him and BM, to even attempt to stop it falling one way or another either.
I've been expecting the Marines to show up along with the WG or and Blackbeard and his crew. Shanks is also a possibility, but I think we might see the debut of Green Bull this arc finally and hopefully.
Oda tried to make us think Marco wasn't going to come to Wano and he is making us think the Marines won't either but a 2 Yonko alliance is something the Marines and WG cannot afford to ignore and not deal with IMMEDIATELY!
This would be the perfect time to test Vegapunk's new Warlord replacing weapon or even other weapons as well. Orochi wanted Vegapunk there and it's about damn time he appeared!
I would love to see Garp show up and see how he would fare against either BM or Kaido too. He's at "half his strength" apparently and around 80 years old ofc but he can still definitely put up a real fight to them.
If Shanks would show up, that would genuinely make my year too ofc!