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Yes, but I say ... It is too early ... He is using his attack that would probably be his asset (as he said himself). And the result is not extraordinary. This gives the impression that they will lose.

Kaido wasn't even hurt after all these blows that make me think so and he will stay here until the end, nothing seems to have diminished his strength until then. Kaido will only emerge from his dragon form when he takes damage that can be compared to TOGEN TOTSUKA. Then it will return to its base form and then perhaps a hybrid. Most supernova attacks are being irrelevant to him Little AP.

Remember, this is KAIDO after TOGEN TOTSUKA, ready to fight, if they do damage similar to TOGEN TOTSUKA it is just the beginning, I would say that they passed the first phase (which did not happen in this chapter), for now are still in the first phase of the game, that to pass it you need to cause significant / fatal damage to Kaido.
Law more and more just looks self conscious that he's ultimately built to be support. At best he's developed one attack stronger than Gamma knife. There will soon be a period where Kaido's mostly recovered from the chip damage and is beating them over the head with a giant brass L. Zoro, Kid, and Luffy will get back up, Killer probably not, if Law does he's just gonna be a helper.
It isn’t considering everyone is is straight up attacking while zoro is teaming with luffy in deflecting attacks. I swear bro killer can damage kaido more then Zoros attack then y’all will say some fuckery on how zoro wasn’t trying
Show me when Kidd, Killer or even Law with his shitty gama knife hurt kaido. Stop pulling shit out of your ass to downplay Zoro LMAO. Kaiddo is straight up ignoring Kidd as he trows stuff at him, dude wasnt even good enough to be labbeled a distraction soo far at least from the spoilers we got.
So Zoro is more a support than Law in this fight, unexpected, and ofc Zorobois twisted it all and make it seem impressive (when Killer is doing the same but he only does not have Kinemon's technique), it should be nice to live in your own fantasy world lol.

Kaido's AP in dragon form is crap, his dragon form is crap. If he can't use those clouds in a combat, his fruit seems pretty trash for now.
Zoro is cutting and blocking. What you talking about


Zoro only needs to master some kind of lightning attack now, maybe he can copy Kaido's thunder bagua, and then he will have all 3 elements like the Yonko, he already has wind slices and fire slice / fire cutting.

But before Zoro using fire, the 3 commanders of Luffy would make a pretty cool group with Zoro being wind, Sanji being fire and Yamato being Thunder if he joined, Jinbei being a bonus water user as a Fishman.


Zoro cut logia form Monet with an air slash:

Either Zoro was too busy to intervene, or Oda didn't want to draw Zoro saving Killer (excluding Kaido's Wind Blades, all the other attacks Zoro intercepted were exclusively directed at Luffy). If Oda is having Zoro save Luffy to reinforce his role as First Mate, having him save another subordinate may undermine that.

The Grandmaster remains untouched through out the fight.

I just assumed Zoro neutralised all the wind blades.
Zoro only blocked the blades that were reaching Luffy
He didnt counter the whole thing.
Unless if kaido targeted only luffy
Either Zoro was too busy to intervene, or Oda didn't want to draw Zoro saving Killer (excluding Kaido's Wind Blades, all the other attacks Zoro intercepted were exclusively directed at Luffy). If Oda is having Zoro save Luffy to reinforce his role as First Mate, having him save another subordinate may undermine that.
We have no panels but the interpretation I made is that Killer was in a 'awkward' position after his attack on Kaido and was an easy target for BM.
I agree with the First Mate argument btw, same will probably happen with Kidd and Killer in the next chapters
Show me when Kidd, Killer or even Law with his shitty gama knife hurt kaido. Stop pulling shit out of your ass to downplay Zoro LMAO. Kaiddo is straight up ignoring Kidd as he trows stuff at him, dude wasnt even good enough to be labbeled a distraction soo far at least from the spoilers we got.
When did it say zoro hurts kaido this chapter?
No one knows how this fight is gonna go or what is gonna happen
Guess then. What do you think is going on based on this chapter? You see Zoro cutting all the fire, blocking attacks that the scabbards couldn’t handle, using his pre at attacks on Kaido and Kaido’s ptsd returning coz of Enma.

Then Law uses Gamma knife, his strongest move.

In your estimation, who do between Zoro and Law is being set up for something interesting here? Are they exactly the same?


This SNS fight counts kaido, works with a GAME for children ...

The first phase is the dragon KAIDO, while they are unable to cause fatal damage to kaido, it will remain in its dragon form, when something compared to TOGEN TOTSUKA is done, the kaido will come out of its dragon form and start stage 2.

Which is kaido base, comabate skills, Haki mastery, new blows of its basic form (I hope the SNS will lose to this phase which is 2.)

Finally, we have its third phase (3), which is a mixture of phases 1 and 2 combat skills, haki mastery, strength, high durability and something new (Kaido hybrid)

And if you have a fourth stage in that game (4), it will be Kaido hybrid + awake.

The ODA game is insane.:optimistic::optimistic:
Based off what Killer and deal more damage exactly?
When did it say zoro deals damage exactly? Y’all are literally disproving yourselves
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Guess then. What do you think is going on based on this chapter? You see Zoro cutting all the fire, blocking attacks that the scabbards couldn’t handle, using his pre at attacks on Kaido and Kaido’s ptsd returning coz of Enma.

Then Law uses Gamma knife, his strongest move.

In your estimation, who do between Zoro and Law is being set up for something interesting here? Are they exactly the same?
Law gamma knife being his strongest move is yo headcanon buddy.
Show me when Kidd, Killer or even Law with his shitty gama knife hurt kaido. Stop pulling shit out of your ass to downplay Zoro LMAO. Kaiddo is straight up ignoring Kidd as he trows stuff at him, dude wasnt even good enough to be labbeled a distraction soo far at least from the spoilers we got.
Wait for the panels before running the mouth so harshly, could backfire :goyea:
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