How will the Supernovas fare against Hybrid Kaido?

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you do know that even RIGHT NOW ... Zoro have better on screen feats than Mihawk .... like honestly it's not even a joke

people are not haters and angry mafia

MANY people didn't consider current Zoro a YC1 3 weeks ago and changed their mind when Zoro proved himself ON SCREEN

there is NO REASON to assume those people won't do the same for Mihawk when (If) prove himself ON SCREEN
Mihawk is a character who doesn't need to prove anything, because he has that specific title ... anything that Zoro does, Mihawk is better. Same thing as Oden? found it impressive? Mihawk is stronger than Oden.

I don't think Mihawk needs to show anything now, he can continue until his fight with Zoro.

More if Oda wants to show it too, it's a good one. We are already seeing the peaks of Yonko.
also have you considered that he had to use twin gorilla arms to use shisui at first so take it as a interpretation that he got use to the weight
Zoro just said Shusui is heavier than his other sword - following by ''With this weight i could...'' and then he pushed Oars punch to the side. The more weight something has, the more force it can create. That is what the whole scene was about.
Not sure what Gorilla arms have to do with that?
I love Zoro.... too bad he's never gonna be stronger than Kidd. I don't think Oda will pull the trigger and make Zoro stronger than someone supposedly rivaling Luffy. Especially when there's Killer who was blatantly created solely to have someone rival Zoro from a rival crew. Oda always groups the three captains together, I mean they all attack right after each other ffs. And last chapter, Oda deliberately took Killer and Zoro out first before the captains. I'm just saying :kayneshrug:


Talent is something you make bloom.
Thing is.
Oda states Mihawk is stronger than Shanks.
Fair enough.
Oda also portrays the 4 Yonkos as these huge monsters that stands above all.
Oda also create a balance system that puts the Shichibukais as a force capable of competing against the Yonkos, which is extremely BS.
Marineford showed that they needed both the Navy and the Shichibukais to trample 1 Yonko.

It's the old problem of what Oda "states" vs what Oda "shows".
Mihawk never fought Shanks after Shanks lost his arm. Years passed. Is Shanks really weaker today than he was when he faced Mihawk?
Shanks, as a Yonko, still clashes with other Yonkos, some fuckers that try to mess with his territories and so on. Mihawk is said to have ran out of worthy opponents.
And yet he refuses to fight One armed Shanks.
Refused to do it when he showed Shanks Luffy's poster, and refused to do so again in Marineford.
Kinda hard to buy this "he is stronger just because Oda says he is".
Then why are you bullshitting what I said before if you don't agree with it? You think title box means something, then you brought up something that you don't agree... In the end, you talk only for bullshitting.

If mihawk's title box means something; then Big mom's title box means something.
If it doesn't mean something; then mihawk's title box means nothing too.

Either way, you got debunked and get another L.
I didn't bring up anything. Your 🤡 ass using title boxes, but don't take it when it comes to Mihawk. Both title box means something.
:seriously:aren't you the weakling who switched wanks or opinions because you felt alone/too weak to battle Posthawk fanboys and Yonko fanboys?
No , The author himself said he was the strongest lol
you couldn't even last months
Please... :suresure: you join the majority to feel accepted.
im not in no majority its just the truth, everything points to shanks being a swordsmen, why didnt he use guns to clash with whitebeard or end marineford?
garp played a part in taking down more of roger's rivals than he did (shiki and rocks)
a bit ironic

wb was indeed equal to roger

yet still see people discrediting both
with takes like roger > wb while the opposite is almost stated . one just didnt care about the title and loaned him his crewmate.

lets not forget based on kaido's "top 5" famed silhouette
we throw garps accomplishments out the window cause "oden scarred kaido"

then if we have zoro do the same thing this arc and people will swallow that too and then say , maybe oden did it cause of enma too .

all so tiresome

hopefully when the arc ends , we can move foward on some of these arguments.
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