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Welcome to the House of Hope
then it means RS is really that strong of a PU, luffy after defeating 2 YC level (cracker and doffy) was still barely able to fight Kata lol, and now you're expecting injured Sanji to defeat a YC1? This argument may not be applied if Sanji had better teacher than luffy's thus making him stronger than luffy coming out of the TS, but its not the case, Rayleigh >>> Ivankov
Call me when Coby beat Luffy.
  • How did Kanjuro know Hiyori's location?
    • Unless I'm mistaken, she deliberately chose not to meet up with the Scabbards, so her whereabout shouldn't have been exposed to them?
  • When was Orochi told Hiyori's location?
  • Even if Hiyori was not present on Onigashima at the start of the Raid, she could have arrived later.
    • Otama did exactly that.
All of this is explained in the manga before the raid. Kanjuro says he's going to go where Hiyori and kill her, indicating he knows where she was.

It makes zero sense to silhouette a known present character. It makes complete sense to silhouette a previously thought dead character.
Call me when Coby beat Luffy.
Well luffy already had a nightmare childhood given how strict Garp was lol, he was already good physical wise before getting trained by Rayleigh, while Coby started at literally nothing before Garp taught him, so i dont think this is a good counter


Welcome to the House of Hope
yes, as i said, if its not an asspull, it means RS is indirectly confirmed to be a massive power boost, i would still think it's an asspull tho cuz i dont see RS being that much of a PU
I actually think it is.
More mobility, the boosts can increase the speed from his kicks (Kizaru kicking everyone in light speed vibes), the cape has a shield, which can be comparable to CoA, maybe. The suit itself giving him a defensive boost.
Totally a Power Ranger.
I just wish they remove the cape somehow in the redesign.
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