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point is there is even bigger asspull than gears and that is ashura....atleast gears followed one piece logic....
Nope because Zoro trained his whole life to get to ashura ( until the point he used it once) you dont need to train a devil fruit at all to use it at its base level, Yeah you can improve it and improve your technique but you still get a big boost for just consuming it. Ashura is a technique not a power up. He didnt eat a devil fruit and suddenly got ashura, He trained until he was able to use ashura. Like i said Luffy consumed the DF and was able to deflect bullets instantly as a small child. Sabo and BB proved that they dont even need to train a DF to use it at a high level. Can someone just do ashura from nothing? consume it? no that makes it a technique not a power up.
It depends on the devil fruit
on firsthand rubber was would never be expected to be as strong as something like shisui or enma
But, whatever enjoy your headcannon
zolo got his L

How in the fuck is that an L? He was still recovering from that uber epic holy shit feat that he did back in Thriller Bark against Ryuma, Oz Jr and Kuma.

And this here is after fighting a Pacificta and getting struck by one of Kizaru's lightbeams that destroyed an entire manglar tree.
That's how much of a fucking tank this man Woro is. This is nowhere near an L. To psuedo-trolling Simpji stans I'm sure it is
Luffy was young when he toke his DF you cant compare him to a full grown man like sabo or BB. Sabo never used a DF and he instantly was able to use the DF of ace like its nothing. If thats not enough proof i dont know what is, Can you say the same about enma? If zoro never used any sword ever would he be able to use enma? No enma wouldnt even accept him and even if it does that wouldnt help him no matter how strong he is because he doesnt know how to use a sword. DF are the biggest power up in one piece literally.
you are talking the same thing....Luffy getting DF in his childhood is not the biggest powerup the same way Zoro getting Enma....but Luffy getting any other DF like fire, yami, quake etc. is definitely the biggest ever powerup...Luffy was only immune to blunt attacks but sharp objects still hurt him but getting logia literally makes you nearly invincible in grandline....Gomu gomu powerup is same as Zoro getting graded sword....graded swords generate high attack output but need to be mastered same way some DF need to be mastered....both swords and DF will give you powerup and you have to master it to be able to "unlock" its potential....
point is there is even bigger asspull than gears and that is ashura....atleast gears followed one piece logic....
Nah, if stupid explanations count, then Asura got one too.

Gears are the biggest asspull by far. It seems lately Luffy gets a new form every damn fight where he strugles, its getting ridiculous. Gear two, gear third, Boundman, Tankman, snakeman....

I didn't called sanji a queer so don't put me in the bracket. Just said queen is interested about germa and judge and he is also a science guy.

Funny, you are saying sanji vs king because of their looks and kicks but when people say the same thing about sanji fighting goofy characters and queer people, it's wrong ? both side are saying the same shit = you based on physique and the other side based on personality/physique.

Again idgaf about queen or king vs sanji, but you saying "he might beat jack which i actually think he is capable of (mid high diff) i said clearly that after facing Jack he'll either face king or queen... " is the issue. We don't even know if he is capable to take hybrid jack and you think he can mid diffs him and take king or queen, and i'm the one who is reading two piece ? LMAO!

"Oda does give a shit about fighting styles, stop watching 2 piece lad.." and "in Post timeskio thing aren't as linear as pre time skip.." first step agree with yourself because you are saying opposite things. Didn't know P1 was a martial artist .. and you know what ? King has also a sword and confirmed to be a swordsman but he is fighting Marco and you even think Sanji will face him so actually you ignore what you don't like and take what you like :milaugh:
Oda can do whatever he wants ...
i figured that you'd bring up page... but he's a hand to hand combatant tho.. still he isn't the main opponent of the arc.. so is the case with Drake tho both got pummeled.. just like zoro fought monet.. and the 2 giants in punk hazard..and i'd argue they the same like i did with sanji that they weren't the main opponents of the arc.......and about king being a swordsman (pure*) just coz he has a sword... that the most DiMWITTED thing in this thread.. even queen has a sword or 2...but he didn't use it.. u can still make a case for jack.. but fighting swordsmen is sanji's forte anyway.. plus the only attacks king has done have been with kicks and beak...his sword was shot out of his had.. and he didn't bother picking it up during his encounter with sanji.. or its a drawing error.. if it is it confirmed that he isn't a true swordsman since if he was then the illustrator must be nuts not to draw his sword.. so that argument is baseless

I think its pretty hard for you to understand what i said... i said idm queen vs sanj.. plus i wasn't even talking about physique i was talking about set combat skills... reread what i said.. and just like i aforementioned idm queen vs sanji.. and i wasn't trigger by the fact that queen is gon fight sanji coz he's a queer.. . i was trigger by the fact that an irrelevant sanji from 2 years ago who turned into a queer was used as an argument to justify what they said.. the reason why i hate that is obvious.. its irrelevant... sanji ain't a queer.. a man looses his pride as a man if he turns a queer so its abdominal to lump sanji into that category.. and i think i have said ample...
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