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Sanji is a cook my dude.
So It means that his character should be destroyed? Just because he's a cook? Grow up brat.
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Raidsuit is highly unlikely gonna be the reason he defeats King....or a Calamity in your case. RS puts Sanji on par with the YCs....but he wont be able to overwhelm them without a new PU.
It doesn't change anything.
If Jinbe is really gonna get pushed to high diff by a Vet, then this kills the headcanon that the 7 Warlords = one Yonko crew.

The Yonko beats Mihawk
The YC1, YC2, and YC3 beat Doflamingo, Kuma, and Hancock
2 Vets beat Jinbe mid/high diff
Crocodile (weaker than Jinbe) = 1 Vet
A Vet low diffs Moriah
The main problem is not Sanji's portrayal in post-timskip per–say, but the raid suit. If Sanji defeated Queen whiteout raid suit or with a normal power up then all of post-timskip would pay off, pay off quite nicely to be honest. But raid suit has completely killed Sanji, raid suit is the worst thing an author can do to a character, it's absolutely disgraceful and disgusting. 🤢🤮😡

First of all, it completely changes Sanji's fighting style, 800+ chapters were thrown away, it's the same thing as deciding to rewrite a character when the story is 80% complete. Sanji's fighting style right now is the "hide and hit" when Sanji turns invisible and kicks his opponent from the blind spot or back, it is absolutely disgusting to watch, it's not even funny.​
Raid suit is too OP, it's so powerful that if that thing had brains it would be able to defeat Queen just by himself, it doesn't even need Sanji; raid suit is tough enough to withstand an attack that would otherwise just kill Sanji plus it has barrier ability just like Bartolomeo; raid suit makes Sanji invisible like Shiryu, it also increases Sanji's speed; raid suit allows Sanji to fly which makes sky walk (the only thing he learned during time-skip) completely useless. Is there anything that raid suit can't do?​
And finally, raid suit is the ultimate proof that Sanji is indeed a failure, Judge was right all along. The moment Sanji accepts raid suit as his permanent power up is the moment when he will accept himself as a failure and become Judge version 2. Either Oda is stupid enough that he doesn't understand it or he does it intentionally to humiliate Sanji, and I don't think that Oda is stupid.​
Oda is not stupid. He knew damn well what he was doing. Sanji is the definition of a prideless, cheap shotting fighter, and was alllways this way. Except this time it’s in a pretty package called the raid suit. This was confirmed the moment Sanji let Nami take on a Cipher Pol 9 Assasin by herself with a goofy ass climatact.

Sanji is done. I hope fans enjoy him for wtvr scraps Oda throws his way.


Not really, the point is being the ultimate soldier isn't Sanji's character, the only defining traits when it comes to fights are not using his hands so the raid suit in no way affects his character.
yes really you don't get the best of both worlds sanji is either a fighter or he is not one
Oda is not stupid. He knew damn well what he was doing. Sanji is the definition of a prideless, cheap shotting fighter, and was alllways this way. Except this time it’s in a pretty package called the raid suit. This was confirmed the moment Sanji let Nami take on a Cipher Pol 9 Assasin by herself with a goofy ass climatact.

Sanji is done. I hope fans enjoy him for wtvr scraps Oda throws his way.
Sanji has enough pride to keep his code of honor against all odds but he doesn't have enough pride to not accept raid suit? Another example that Oda has ruined Sanji.
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