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It's so sad man. The Sanji and Robin moment was great, but what is even the point of having other characters call him pathetic and him saying his armament is weak.
It's like Oda goes out of his way to put him in humiliating circumstances.
Nothing short of pitiful man lol. Tbh Oda could have scratched this entire Black Maria/Sanji debacle and nothing would have really changed, if having Robin vs BM was the end goal then there’s really no reason to trash on Sanji just to bring Robin to BM, he could have brought that about numerous other ways but here we are.

Regardless I like the fact that Heat (Sanji’s counterpart on Kid’s crew) got a kick outta all this lmao.
And yet you are the "genius" trying to use physics to prove something not provable. He hit the top of the ship, knocking the ship back. That's it. No description of a kick, no laws of physics to determine the actions of a drawing.

You are embarrassing yourself. Let it go, I didn't respond to you at first and then you kept quoting me to make a point. All you did was make your point more ridiculous
ok leys refute what u just said..if king hit the top edge of the ship while crashing into it with enough force to flip it ...he would just pierce through coz he has a beak... now that doesn't need any physic to explain logic... I'm not embarrassing myself.. ti the contrary I'm enjoying this.
Marco vs King has been in the works ever since King kicked the Queen Mama Chanter.

Oda is a pretty good writer. The moment you see Marco on the waterfall, you think “King did that too.” It’s pretty obvious that Oda was trying to make the parallel.

What connections does Sanji have to any calamities?
Jack? 0.
King? 0.
Queen? Both have connections to Judge.
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