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No, Queen is a versatile fighter and his fight against Sanji would probably be a fun fight.
Nah, there's no fun.
Queen isn't a kicker or brawler, he doesn't fly or seems to be fast
Mr. 2, Vergo, Doffy, Judge, Niji, Jabra...
all were fast and could fly , they were mostly able to use kicks as fighters.

King fits
Queen? Nope
Jack? Nope too..but at least he isn't looking goofy and dumb as fighter like Queen with his df


Talent is something you make bloom.
Chapter 1.005: "Demon Girl"
- Black Maria urges Sanji to call Robin.
- Those who have the paper with the drawn eye can share images and sounds.
- Sanji is defeated by Black Maria as he does nothing to defend himself.
- It seems that he has defeated the male subordinates, but not the women.
- Sanji: "Save me Robin! I'm on the 3rd floor! I'm a prisoner!"
- We see the reaction of several characters to Sanji's call thanks to those who have the paper with the eye drawn.
- Nami laments the situation saying that his opponent is a woman.
- Robin attacks Black Maria with a gigantic hand.
- Brook rescues Sanji by freezing Black Maria's web.
- Robin: "Thanks for trusting me, Sanji!"
- The animals that have the paper with the drawn eye are Kaidou's spies, but they are not real animals, they are cyborgs.
- Kaidou's subordinates discover Yamato.
- Jack is going to kill the Red Scabbards.
- Black Maria VS Robin and Brook at the end of the chapter.
- No Break next week

there is no implication that Sanji is going to fight jack here? is there?
Sanji is the only person below that knows where the scabbards are, and that they are a target.
So, that would imply he is going there and will intercept Jack.
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