Who is this "Oden"?

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Lion of Olympus

The Prince of Power
I've already lost hope for this arc. I just want this shit to end already.
This arc has absolutely no stakes at the moment, and that’s not even the only problem it has:

-Too many things going on at the moment. We have all of the SH’s fights, the rooftop fight, Marco, Yamato and Momo, the Scabbards, Sanji, Apoo, X Drake and Hawkins stuff all going on at the same time. This arc feels like it has way too many characters and is extremely cluttered

-Kaido’s commanders being incompetent as hell

-Kaido himself being incompetent as hell
Another Marco fanboy who thinks his feats are extra hype

Chopper AP ~ Marco it Chopper managed to make Zoan Queen bleed/just hurt him
If Chopper sent him down then Marco AP.is beneath G3 even

Wake up,
Queen doesn't care much about Marco, it is Marco.who keeps attacking him off-guard.
Post-Udon G3 barely did anything to Zoan P1, Marco made Zoan Queen vomit blood.

Zoan Queen durability>>Zoan P1

Oh and btw, a weaker version of G3 was stalemating Katakuri's biggest power mochi

So therefore

Marco's kicks>>G3>=Katakuri's biggest power mochi
So, serious question here. Is there only a single spoilers provider in all of Japan? Are we (reddit, discord, worstgen, apforums, etc.) really depending on a single guy every week?

How tf can this "mysterious person" not have leaked yet?
Another Marco fanboy who thinks his feats are extra hype

Chopper AP ~ Marco it Chopper managed to make Zoan Queen bleed/just hurt him
If Chopper sent him down then Marco AP.is beneath G3 even

Wake up,
Queen doesn't care much about Marco, it is Marco.who keeps attacking him off-guard.
do you realize how stupid you sound
Marco: "holding back two foes with bounties over a billion isn't easy"

Marco to Queen: "I'm your opponent, remember?"

Queen to Marco: "What a persistent wretch!"

Queen momentarily diverted his attention to Hyou who was causing heavy casualties to his crew, Marco simply reminded him to focus up.
exactly lol, king was on the speaker phone asking if anyone was free, if he was so sure he could 1v1 marco then why not ask queen to go?

You can't expect much from that noodle brain guy anyway
Isnt it obvious it is toki or the ninja leader and that the hype is probably the reveal beneath the mask
But yea guys its vergo clearly, oda loves you people for keeping mid piece at the top since with ppl like you he doesnt even have to try (chopper>>>queen huehuehue


Post-Udon G3 barely did anything to Zoan P1, Marco made Zoan Queen vomit blood.

Zoan Queen durability>>Zoan P1

Oh and btw, a weaker version of G3 was stalemating Katakuri's biggest power mochi

So therefore

Marco's kicks>>G3>=Katakuri's biggest power mochi
:milaugh:still better than getting clowned by a VA
Choked by Linlin
Exhausted from bullets
Needing Chopper to handle zoan Queen coz he realised he can't do much damage to him

Oda would never draw Katakuri being choked by the neck, clowned by VAs or mid tiers
Hurt and exhausted from bullets against 1 focused Commander and the other being distracted
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