I still don't think he's fighting Queen lol. Oda decided to put the last tobi roppo and the last non-monster trio strawhat together. I dont think that's coincidence.
Because we got his/her silhouette two chapters ago as a cliffhanger, I don't think we're gonna have the same silhouette again at the end of this chapter
106.101 edited the spoilers a bit. The surprising character that appears will surprise the Akazaya and the readers. Toki i guess? I mean Hiyori wouldn't be a surprise
* 아카자야 사무라이들 정신을 차리고 이들 앞에
등장인물도 독자도 깜짝 놀랄 의외의 인물 등장..
(상상의 여지를 두는 편이 스포 즐기기에 더 나을 거 같아서
이건 연막과 별개로 뺐음. 깅, 에넬 이딴 거 치우고)
106.101 edited the spoilers a bit. The surprising character that appears will surprise the Akazaya and the readers. Toki i guess? I mean Hiyori wouldn't be a surprise
* 아카자야 사무라이들 정신을 차리고 이들 앞에
등장인물도 독자도 깜짝 놀랄 의외의 인물 등장..
(상상의 여지를 두는 편이 스포 즐기기에 더 나을 거 같아서
이건 연막과 별개로 뺐음. 깅, 에넬 이딴 거 치우고)
I always thought that the character was Hiyori and i gave up the idea of she being Toki, but with 106 trolling like that, i now believe that she's Toki
Well the best bet is that Sanji will awaken his power in this arc and will have a huge power up. for sure his power has something to do with fire but he will be able to control it now just like his brothers do. but he will not lose his emotions . CP0 mentioning the lineage factor has for sure something to do with Sanji and not with irrelevant Gifters
106.101 edited the spoilers a bit. The surprising character that appears will surprise the Akazaya and the readers. Toki i guess? I mean Hiyori wouldn't be a surprise
* 아카자야 사무라이들 정신을 차리고 이들 앞에
등장인물도 독자도 깜짝 놀랄 의외의 인물 등장..
(상상의 여지를 두는 편이 스포 즐기기에 더 나을 거 같아서
이건 연막과 별개로 뺐음. 깅, 에넬 이딴 거 치우고)
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