Who is this "Oden"?

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3/10 chapter btw
Normies will say 10/10 because of fake oden just to get disappointed next chapter, I like chopper and i want him to be strong but that bitch slap in a mid of war was kinda cringe
Marco wont go down hes not even serious hes holding queen so chopper slaps him in the face kinda taking the tension away from the whole marco going down theme.
King off screened the same way queen was off screened a few chapters ago, prospero just disappeared for a ful chapter.

Weak chapter for me
None of them were gags lol
Chopper ap > base meme > g3 > rs sanji
I mean the Chopper scene but yeah I understand you point. What is Oda thinking, Calamity jump from one L to another L, is that how he try to build up tension? Looking at the beast pirates I feeling like the Big mom pirate performance in Wci was a masterpiece in compare lol and they actually even get nerfed hard. Chopper has legit now a feat who is above Sanji Rs feat wtf is that? Even G3 Luffy and Big mom didn't perform the same.
Uh it does, that's what last person standing is. That's how fights work, when one person is standing and the other one is down the one standing is a winner.

Im using your logic of "fainting in few seconds doesn't mean you are the winner" and Luffy vs Doflamingo fits that case. Luffy beat Doflamingo and proceeded to literally faint right after

It is a clear 1v1 duel, paired with Zoro's ignorance the Gyukimaru was not going to interfere.

The same 8 people do this every week only to get bombarded by 50 people on here who follow logic and common sense, yet those same 8 people are stuck in their own limbo of headcanon. Pan D. He A. Dcannon
Yeah, but he didn't stay standing though and fainted next page. If it was him walking towards Gyukimaro to continue before soon fainting. That make it better, but fainting afterwards whlie Gyukimaro didn't pay him mind undermine it was more of a win on him.

From facing Doffy for many times and using many G4s that takes recovery? Make sense there, but for Zoro not so much.

Nah it was 2 vs 1 the moment Gyukimari got involved there.

You mean same people who say 'Zoro over Luffy' or 'Zoro kills Kaido'? Lol this is not whole fanbase, bruh. Not this website. They don't speak for majority and salt you coming at me with cause I don't agree is funny. Headcannonman. Try again next time, alright kid?
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