Who is this "Oden"?

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Kanjuro drawing has to be one of the lowest of possivolities... It can't be his ghost either because he doesn't have his original swords.
I believe Toki is involved in some weird shit or Kaido made Vegapunk clone Oden lmao I don't know
It would be kinda cheap if Hiyori tricks her own friends with showing Oden himself. Also the Scabbard don't need to get cheer up they already want to fight again. The case is more that it could be Kanjuro. But again a fake Oden plot with we already had with Yamato. I hope Toki and Oden are really here for the war. We didn't see anything about Toki,in that case it would be cool if these are here. Also Oden vs Kaido was to rushed,end to fast. We deserve a better fight with Oden vs Kaido...
This fake Oden shit is one of those options:
-Fukurokujo with some transformation technique setting for the Scarbbads
-Kanjuro trying something
-Or Kanjuro wanting to redeem himself
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