Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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Except that it's Law who makes the decisive move while Kid is his assistant, just like Law was being Zoro's assistant to help him perform Hiryu Kaen :myman:
The description said that Law's rock pushed Linlin vertically, meaning that Kidd already sent her outside the roof :myman:
Also, I gave credits to Law too since the start, a combo attack implies a double merit by definition.
So it is like I called it , Zoro really stopped the attack to enable the others a chance to dodge.
This proves Zoro's case reactions are even superior to 5 guys because he was the only one fast enough to react and block. Even Luffy with FS didn't react that way which means he didn't see the future where Zoro stops the attack
Luffy still apparently doesn't have Haki right now
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