Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Do all CoC users require to be inspired to deities? What if there are different kinds of CoC manifestations?
Can happen too but be honest, would love to see Mihawk,Shanks and co deity CoC power, would be really rare and godlike.

I dont think so. If Kaidou imbue his attacks with CoC, it means Zoro managed to imbue his Asura with CoC by betting his life, just like Luffy casually imbued his punch with CoC
It is it bro, as example Kaido never mentionend anything about CoC punches, Luffy hit him multiple times, never said anything about CoC.
Luffy figure out how Kaido could defeat him in first battle, he use adv CoC, in same chapter Kaido who see multiple attacks of Zoro only state CoC when he see Ashura? Didn´t this simple confirmed it since Ashura a form had only the CoC aura?
Simple based on the spoiler Kaido hype Zoro to have CoC(adv CoC implied).
Why yall adding "Advanced" to the term though lol.

All Kaido says is "Haoshoku", nothing more.

There's a difference especially since we've had an explanation with Armament that specifically states there are at least 3 levels to it, we learned this in Udon.

CoC is CoC, there are no levels implied (yet). All that was done here was the concept of applying it to an attack. I'm totally hyping Zoro, but let's not fucking drag it past what it is lol
But we have seen Luffy use CoC with CoA with not much difference in portrayal (against Chinjao and Doffy) between non CoC imbued attack and CoC imbued attack....Most probably I think it will be adv. usage of CoC
Pre TS Zoro was the Haki God and Endurance God while Luffy only had laughable AP from G2 and slow ass G3.
Zoro left the timeskip stronger than Luffy isn't an anomaly. Who entered the timeskip stronger than the other, left the timeskip stronger as well.
has Zoro ever said that he's at his limit? He literally says that he's leaving it all to the rest if Asura doesn't work. Not sure why some of you act like he just gassed out.
He was out like how Luffy was out for 10 minutes and Zoro hard carried him. Now Zoro probably needs to rest. Zoro is probably going to get Nidai( A real power up unlike Enma) and body Kaido later with Luffy.

Advanced CoA and CoO are a thing. Unless you disagree with the term and you see Future Sight and Ryuo as a different "skill branches" rather than an advanced technique of CoO and CoA respectively.
Do all CoC users require to be inspired to deities? What if there are different kinds of CoC manifestations?
Luffy vs Akainu EoS

Akainu :

• physical monster,

•extremely powerful and advanced haki (armament, observation and this application of CoC of Zoro and Kaido, whatever it is)

•strongest offensive devil fruit

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Gotta be frank, why are we saying this? Kaido omly references Haoshoku, he says nothing about advanced usage.

I think we should avoid using fan made concepts before it's at all stated in the story. Zoro having CoC is already a big deal, both him and Luffy applying it to their attacks even moreso. Adv CoC isn't a thing (yet)
Because it's implied that "Kiki Kyūtōryū Ashura" itself is CoC and since we've never seen someone manifesting a being out of nowhere to increase his attack power, we're assuming that it must be a Adv CoC :kayneshrug:
what zoro fans downplayed coc? A few of the loud minority?

Most Zoro fans thought he'd get Coc just as myself. We knew how important Coc was in this story.
I have barely seen any Zoro fans downplaying Zoro. We just call out those who said Kid is more important than Zoro because he has COC, and now turns out Zoro also has CoC.
Hell, most of us believed that Zoro had CoC
But yeah we are the ones taking L :milaugh:
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