Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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- Oda makes a clear effort to show Zoro using his strongest attack, with clear dialogue saying "I leave it all to you", while also having Luffy say "you all go down and let everyone know, no matter what, I will win this!"

- ZKK meatheads: "But Zoro's coming back up! He specifically said he will cut Kaido TO PIECES. That means he MUST DO IT" "Blocking Hakai and using Asura to permanently scar Kaido IS NOT ENOUGH!"

On no basis but a parallel that they think is happening at this point lmao. Apparently we have to take Zoro's words literally, but Luffy saying he'll win this isn't dialogue we can literally accept either.

I'm done with this conversation. Having fun having a heart attack for the next year until it doesn't actually happen. I'll be enjoying the clear 1v1 that is being set up like every other arc because I've come to expect it LITERALLY every arc.

Like I said, Zoro vs King is everyones best bet at this point. I would start hoping for that before Oda causes this forum to collapse in on itself with ridiculous expectations like Luffy having his thunder stolen in his first Yonko fight.

Remember this comment, all I'm gonna say.
A couple of problems with your idea :

King is fighting Marco If Zoro fights King who will Marco fight?

Next Wano will be a 5 Act story, Luffy vs Kaido in Act 3 is just setting up a big loss for Luffy

Lastly Zoro being at his limit has never stopped him before, Against Mr 1 he's at his limit then he unlocks CoO and CoA Haki, Against Kaku, he's at his limit then he unlocks Asura (CoC). For me Zoro will take a rest but He will be back to join the Kaido fight

Kid and Killer vs Big Mom
Luffy and Zoro vs Kaido


World's Strongest Swordsman
Because, Oda isn't going to make Zoro irrelevant for the next 20-30 chapters while everyone else fights. When has he ever done that?

Thats another thing I don't get about ZKK, Luffy is supposed to win, but Zoro is supposed just show up out of nowhere and kill Kaido? Claim victory for himself after Luffy wins? Like I have no actual "Problem" with ZKK, but its the logic I don't actually get with it lmao.

IF Zoro stayed on the roof the entire time and IF he continued to fight with Luffy in a 2v1 (whilst maybe temporarily being knocked out at a point like now), then I would understand the point, but Oda has clearly communicated Zoro is done with Kaido.

Like are you actually satisfied with Zoro being out for 10s of chapters while everyone else gets powerups, action panels and dedicated fights? Somehow lopping Kaido's weakened head off is more interesting than getting 2-3 chapters to fight a YC if he recovers?

I simply do no understand the desire for it, especially after this chapter.
Eh ? This is going exactly how I thought it would.
said literally this last week

He needs to open the scar first then gas. Then luffy does his 1 vs 1. Then over the capital he takes the head.
Luffy was always gonna get his 1 vs 1.
He will beat kaido on the roof.
But kaido will not stay down.
And this ain't ending on the roof
More than king I can see zoro getting healed by hioyri
And them having a confrontation with orochi where she takes his last head with momos sword.
Heck maybe even the fox is here and we get more on if zoro even has any actual ties to wano in the mean time. But once hiyori/momo takes orochis final life with that sword don't forget I already said both odens swords will be used to kill a tyrant each.
It shonen it don't really matter .
A lot of the time people strongest attack is be when there near dead .
Few arcs later there strongest attack will be something else and it goes on .
That's true, that's why im asking it, because Zoro's state he was in and the fact that he was already extremely exhausted and injured from the previous attack. and not just somewhat injured but on brink of death similar to TB
He already had his ones :seriously:
Not comparable. He shared his fight with 4 other people.

The notion that Zoro does virtually nothing until the literal end after Luffy wins is baffling to me. I'm surprised ZKK supporters would rather Zoro fade into irrelevancy for 20-30 chapters until he just shows up and kills Kaido. Apparently that is better than getting a relevant fight against King, even if weakened or injured.

What does it mean leaving the roof? We are talking about a new total different set up, do you understand that? there is no more onigashima but a dam flower capital in the ground. I dont fuking care if Zoro is not here atm, set up are dynamic, Luffy will 100% not finish the fight in a 1 vs 1 more player will show up. Deal with it.
The set up is dynamic only when you want it to be, that much clear here.

"I'm right and nobody else is!"
Well BM has to be defeated too, and i think Luffy still might need help too, but to be honest when Luffy states that he will solo someone , he does so and wins
What makes you think that Law and Zoro will accept Luffy's request?
Zoro and Law are still on the rooftop. We are talking about something that didn't happen yet.
Luffy will definitely defeat Kaido. But he's not going to solo him for the rest of the arc and he's not going to kill him either. I still believe that Law and Zoro will step in again and fight Kaido.
Im going to preface this with I know this is Zoro's strongest attack... but...

Do people think Asura in Zoro's current state was his strongest attack dealing the most damage?

Or do people think a 100% Asura would have done more damage
Does it really matter? Zoro in that current state used all what he has left for that attack, which is pretty good, Luffy had to be protect for a good amout of time after he run out of hacky in g4, Zoro didnt get any help so far. He had the annoying Enma drawing to much power out, so making him tired + dmg + dealing with big Mom and Kaido. Let see what Zoro got to show more. I am sure that from now on, he ll have a hacky bloom, reaching his limit, will push him to a new limit and has result to a new powerup.
Flying dragon blaze will come again, not sure if in that version or even a much more powerfull one.
Eh ? This is going exactly how I thought it would.

Luffy was always gonna get his 1 vs 1.
He will beat kaido on the roof.
But kaido will not stay down.
And this ain't ending on the roof
More than king I can see zoro getting healed by hioyri
And them having a confrontation with orochi where she takes his last head with momos sword.
Heck maybe even the fox is here and we get more on if zoro even has any actual ties to wano in the mean time. But once hiyori/momo takes orochis final life with that sword don't forget I already said both odens swords will be used to kill a tyrant each.
Again, this fundamentally has nothing to do with ZKK.

It has to do with people choosing ZKK over Zoro being relevant for the next 20-30 chapters lol

If Oda decides to give Zoro a commander fight, then also deliver this fan notion of an execution on Kaido, be my guest lol. I'd enjoy that shit. :kayneshrug:

But lets make that crystal clear, it IS a fan notion. Killing Kaido has never been set up by the story. Cutting Kaido was. The former is backed by assumed parallels and fan feats. The latter actually had dialogue in the story to achieve it.
The notion that Zoro does virtually nothing until the literal end after Luffy wins is baffling to me. I'm surprised ZKK supporters would rather Zoro fade into irrelevancy for 20-30 chapters until he just shows up and kills Kaido.
only you think this is happening. zoro is not going to be down for long, and hes not leaving his captain to fight kaido alone


World's Strongest Swordsman
More importantly, how are you handling Luffy’s new powerup making him stronger than Zoro?
Seems zoro used it too just unconsciously

Something I noticed is both luffy and kaido to the scabbards say within regards to hits on Kaido with ryou that they are too shallow.

I also think oden may have also used coc too.

Within regards to power levels

Luffy will be a mid top tier and zoro a low top tier (if not higher if there's any more development like a blackblade or the nidai upgrade on the Sandai)

I don't get the furore on here. Luffy was always gonna get his 1 vs 1 moment.

But zoros named chapter is still coming up last.
Again, this fundamentally has nothing to do with ZKK.

It has to do with people choosing ZKK over Zoro being relevant for the next 20-30 chapters lol

If Oda decides to give Zoro a commander fight, then also deliver this fan notion of an execution on Kaido, be my guest lol. I'd enjoy that shit. :kayneshrug:

But lets make that crystal clear, it IS a fan notion. Killing Kaido has never been set up by the story. Cutting Kaido was. The former is backed by assumed parallels and fan feats. The latter actually had dialogue in the story to achieve it.
the dialogue is literally about him beheading kaido. over and over. lmfao. you really are stretching to troll now
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