Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Simplest breakdown to follow instead of trying to introduce a million fan and official terms that get combined and mixed randomly

-Armament, mostly shown colored black but can be colorless known as CoA (official), hardening is used to mean colored exclusively
-Advanced haki is defined as manifesting haki externally and includes both barrier and internal destruction (Luffy official) referred to as AdvCoA by fandom but fandom tends to divide it in barrier and offensive categories referring to the former mostly as barrier.
-Conqueror's haki in moves presents lightning trail before attacks (highly educated guess), fandom wise can be referred to as AdvCoC for now and be understood to mean offensive CoC.

side notes: After Zoro used Asura Kaido wondered if he had CoC which tells us the spiritual manifestation is not common among CoC users and may not necessarily be needed to produce it , at this point all that can be confirmed is that CoC was sensed during that move.


The proof is the permanent scar... Luffy in this chapter says he needs CoC to do deep damage on Kaido

Are you saying Zoro can do deep damage WITHOUT CoC? That Oda has just invented two different ways to do this thing in the same chapter. And Zoro just uniquely among all the people in the entire world, Zoro is the only person who can do Ashura so he is the only person who can do what Oden did WITHOUT CoC?

You think this is what Oda is setting up?
Permanent scar argument is not proof
Or else explain why WB, Roger, shanks, Garp, etc.. couldn't scar Kaido

Scarring Kaido is about having powerful ryuo and AP
Kaido never said to retainers " you lacked Oden's ryuo or CoC" nah he said " power"! He mocked their power being weaker.

You are making up stuffs. Kaido didn't even tell Zoro " you scarred me because you have CoC"
We only got to hear and see adCOc explained when Luffy gets up!

Ironically both dudes who scarred kaido have...cough cough...ENMA

It definitely was CoC. Kaido himself is a top tier with top tier Haki, including CoC. Strong people can sense other peoples strength. Mihawk sensed that Whitebeard declined. Blackbeard sensed Luffy's Haki pre TS. So did Kaido sense Zoro's CoC. And he attributed it to Zoro's CoC that he will receive a scar.
Another random conclusions

Kaido never confirmed Zoro has CoC
He only questioned if he does/can use it...
Zoro denies...then Kaido doesn't even confirm a thing
Starts talking about Worstgen and him conquering the world.

Oda left it unclear.

When kaido feels something, Oda makes him confirms it
When Luffy used CoC, we sees it on panels.
When side characters awaken Haki for the first time or use CoC, we see visuals but you wanna say
Oda can't even do the same for his second favourite Strawhat?

Teach didn't question " ah you have haki? " nah
He said " your haki grew..." a clear statement that he felt and knows Luffy has haki.

All you got here is Kaido wondering if Zoro has CoC or can use it.
No visuals, no proof yet. Just a wonder.

When we heard kaido questions " they can also use Oden's ryuo?"
We didn't have full picture...but we still had visuals of retainers using ryuo as we saw sparks from their blades and strike on kaido! And we got confirmations next chapters.

When we see kaido think about enma...we didn't know yet ...then later Kaido confirms ah I see that's Oden's katana

We can see clearly Ussop using CoO but we can't see Zoro awakening CoC/using CoC for the first time on panel? Just hear yourselves

Zoro using adCoC or awakening/using CoC wasnt shown with visuals but Ussop/Coby can haveclear visuals and confirmations that they using CoO for the first time lol

Until Kaido or someone else confirms Zoro has CoC
Not just make a question " did you do that? Is it your CoC" " can you also use CoC"
Until we see visuals of CoC coming from Zoro

Zoro has *CoC* asterisks until proven right

One thing for sure, he doesn't have adCoC like luffy /kaido have.


But they can't imbue CoC in their attacks. That is Advanced CoC.
you dont know that at least Rayleigh sould be able to do so. and we don't know yet. for now it is just an application of CoC that only some powerful people can use till something else confirmed
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